About the OwA Photo Archive/Submissions

What and who are the Occupy with Art Image Galleries for?
Thousands of amateur and professional photographers, some occupants themselves, have been taking photographs of protesters, occupant art projects and demonstrations, since the occupation movement began. Occupy with Art is offering you a space to share your documentation of the #OWS protests and the hundreds of occupations springing up around the world.
Artists inspired by the occupations are creating images, too. We will provide a forum for you, as well.
We are not curating for content. We are accepting all submissions. Any exclusions would be the result of consensus in the Occupy with Art Group, in keeping with #OWS/GA/Arts & Culture Committee processes. At this point, the only proviso is that your photos and images be in the spirit of the occupation and for the 99%.
How to Submit
• Images should be no larger than 720x540 pixels, 72 dpi.
• Occupennial will not color correct, crop or otherwise edit your photos.
• Please use JPG format.
• Specify whether you would prefer your photos be posted in your own gallery
• Include:
• Your name or screen name
• The date(s) the photos were taken or created
• A title for your gallery
• Image titles (optional; if you do not title images, they will be numbered)
• A designated image for your gallery frontpage
• A brief summary about your images for your gallery frontpage
• A brief description of each photo/image (optional)
• OR specify that you would prefer your photos be added to general galleries
• Include:
• Your name or screen name
• The date(s) the photos were taken or created
• Image titles (optional; if you do not title images, they will be numbered)
• A brief description of each photo/image (optional)
NOTE: Please keep in mind that Occupy with Art consists of a small group of volunteer participants at this point. We will make every effort to care for your submissions respectfully and in a timely fashion.
- USE THE OwA DROPBOX; once you've uploaded your file(s), use the CONTACT button at the top of the page to let us know the package has arrived (please include the file title information and your name in the body of the email)
- SEND VIA EMAIL AT artforhumans[at]gmail[dot]com; please include the text PHOTO SUBMISSION in the subject line