Free Download! OCCUPY Poster by John Malloy

Published December 1, 2011
Occupy Comix is a free bi-monthly comic book chronicling the stories and issues of the 99%. The print copies will be given out for free at Occupy Wall Street events in New York and finances willing, at Occupy events across the nation. Currently we are working on three volumes before we begin mass distribution.
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These equations are open source art. Please feel free to download and make your own equations and stencils.
NOTE: These are for collecting purposes only, these images are not to be used for illegal activities.
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“No Bread? Let Them Eat Pie!” remixes Norman Rockwell’s Thanksgiving painting “Freedom from Want” with elements from the current global economic recession. The title is a pun on English translation of the French term “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”. The background frame and fonts design pays homage to UK punk rock band Crass.
Here is a brief description of the piece:
The main characters- the powerful elites, the banksters and the kleptocrats who all wear pig masks are gathering to play the game Monopoly, while drinking a bottle of “Toxic Assets” Dom Perignon. In the champagne glass the “Charging Bull” sculpture is drowned dead and floating. Rather than serving a cake, the female host whom wore a Marie Antoinette wig, is serving a 3D pie chart of 2011 US Financial Wealth Distribution. One of the elite is holding a bloody chainsaw with a yellow sale tag with a Capitol Hill illustration on it, ready to cut a slice of the American Pie. On top of the pie are two business men. One with the head of an American Eagle is kneeling down and praying, and chained to a money bomb. The second business man is wearing a pig mask punishing the kneeled businessman by whipping him, while holding a briefcase saying “American Dream”.
Next to the cigar smoking top hat wearing bankster elite is a tower of Financial Meltdown dollar sign. On top of it is a burning house constructed with US dollar bills, with a “Corporate American” flag attached to its roof. In the background are dollar bills flying from the sky and a private jet with parodied logos of Ctigroup (Shittygroup), Bank Of America (Bend Over America), Wells Fargo (Wall Street), Goldman Sachs (Goldman Sucks), Chase (Cheat), Morgan Stanley (Moron Stanley) and Deutsche Bank (Douche Bank).
The Monopoly game board is reinterpreted as “Occupy Wall Street” with #OWS Zombies protesters coming out from the cracked ground. On the board there are also barrels of toxic Mortgage Backed Security (MBS) and a opened “Toxic Debt” safe, with a zombie’s hand holding a sign saying “Bring BackGlass-Steagall Act”. Meanwhile the Lady Liberty (from a painting “Oh America” by Gee Vaucher) is covering her face and could not bear to watch the scenario.
Feeding of the 320 Millions, The Revolution Will Not Be Privatized:
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Smash the Bull, Distribute the Candy:
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