Occupy Museums!

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 1:15 PM, Noah Fischer <fischer.noah@gmail.com> wrote:
Occupy Museums!
Let’s dance in front of the Cannons
and tell the cultural pyramids:
You are NOT our MoMA!
I know that many people have been thinking in this direction and I’d like to add my voice. It just might be time to band together And do some museum hopping! We'll state loud and clear and publically that the game is up: we see through the pyramid schemes that museums have set up whereby the 1% sit on boards and presume to speak with cultural authority while increasing the profit margins of their private collections. They have disempowering the hundreds of thousands of living artists - the 99% through rarified gatekeeping that has directly equated art with Wall Street capital- with all of the same shady business and BS hierarchy!!!
As long as we accept the authority of these oppressive cannons, I’m not sure we can move forward with new aesthetics and movements: art that is truly by and for everyone! Art that isn’t rehashed and boring and pre-packaged and dead on arrival! Art that is alive! Art that is powerful! I think it would be wonderful to give the museums notice of the impending paradigm shift. Some serious truth to power, playfulness, and mockery is in order!
-Explaining Art to a Dead Museum.
-Reading the GA statement or A & C statement or autonomous statements in front of the Frick, using people’s mic.
-etc etc.
There are many museum nights in New York with long lines, which may be fruitful audiences. We can also go inside and play.
So I propose Occupy Museums next week- Thursday afternoon and evening. I’ll bring this up at an A & C meeting beforehand.
A couple Museums to Occupy:
-New Museum: Showcased Dakis Joannou’s personal collection, bumping up auction prices: use and abuse of the whole concept of “public” for personal profits. Dis-gusting!
-Frick Collection: dedicated to a long term PR campaign for the one of the “Worst American CEOs of All time.” Whose draconian policies included murdering workers striking against unhuman working conditions. We say- what the Frick is going on here!
It’s easy to do research on these museums and who is standing behind them:

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