Occupy Halloween-PLANNING UPDATE!

Occupy Wall St. has been invited to join the largest public halloween parade in the nation!
For more information about OWS's participation the Halloween parade, visit: http://occupyhalloween.typepad.com/occupyhalloween/
If you're interested in paraticipating, there are several meet-ups in the next few days:
For puppet building, please contact Joe or Alma with questions or days and times you're planning on coming by! Our contact info can be foudn at the bottom of the post. The studio is in Joe's name and he is the mind behind the puppets we are building.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
Build puppets and paint banners 6pm to midight
20 Jay Street, Brooklyn (A or F)
Build and paint all day!
20 Jay Street, Brooklyn (A or F)
1pm - Battery Park
Participation and Info Meet Up!
Come by the park to take a look at the puppets, meet some of the
people involved and let us know if and how you'd like to participate
the day of Halloween! We will have a few choreographers, make up
artists and others there if you need some assistance organizing and in
general want to hear your plans for the parade.
1pm - Battery Park
Rehearsals and Report Backs!
People who want to be in the Superheroes v Supervillains morning event
or want to be in the parade, come to the park so we can settle any
last minute logistic questions and check in on the various projects
culminating on Halloween.
Monday - Halloween!
9am - Superheroes v. Economic Supervillains
Contact Gan at gangolan@gmail.com, for more details. We will have
costumed crusaders, such as the Master of Degrees, there to fight the
social and political inequities of our system. Watch for an all out
battle and contact Gan if you want to participate!
7:30pm - Parade!
We will begin meeting for the parade! Please get in touch for more
details on where to meet and how the blocs will be arranged.
Conact info:
General email - powertothepuppets@gmail.com
Joe - loucrimson@yahoo.com
Gan - gangolan@gmail.com
Alma - wafflesushi@gmail.com

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