16 Beaver [10.28.11]

Friday - 10.28.11 – Occupation: Calls and Responses Contents: __________________________________________________ What: Presentations and discussion As Occupy Wall Street stretches into its sixth week and spreads across the What are the modes in which artists and cultural workers have contributed As people form affinity groups and begin to find experiences of a unitary If one of the strengths of this emergent movement is its ability to embody We would like to use the space this Friday evening to consider some of Aside from the risks of any police actions, are the risks of certain Of course, there is already an aesthetic dimension to the ongoing While acknowledging the importance of these manifestations, and wanting to What we want to do is give space to consider and bring various positions __________________________________________________ Bring proposals, sketches, ideas for actions, events, words, images, ________________________________________________ Everyone is welcome to come and to contribute to discussion. For those interested in presenting, a computer and projector will be Those who are not able to submit materials in advance are still invited to Please anticipate short presentations, approximately 5-7 minutes each. We __________________________________________________ NYC General Assembly: http://nycga.net/ Occupy Wall Street: http://occupywallst.org/ Global Revolution: http://www.livestream.com/globalrevolution Franco Berardi & Geert Lovink And And And __________________________________________________ for directions/subscriptions/info visit: TRAINS:
1. About this Friday
2. A call
3. A note on the format
4. Links
1. About this Friday
When: Friday -- 10.28.11 @ 7:00PM
Where: 16 Beaver Street, 4th Floor
Who: Free and open to all
globe, a variety of questions have emerged about the directions it can
or could imagine contributing to the ongoing occupation(s)? What
situations or processes can be constructed (collectively)?
time, what new forms of life are potentially emerging? What kinds of
actions and infrastructures could support generalizing and supporting the
reproduction of such forms of life or culture?
a different politics, what kinds of consequences does it have in the
sphere of culture? How might the know-how and know-what of architects,
artists, filmmakers, writers, thinkers, teachers, and students contribute
toward the development of a new political culture / movement?
these different approaches and imagine together potential ways in which
these processes can be intensified.
normalizing processes entering, which risk delimiting the potential growth
and experimentation inherent in this process? And at what stage and in
what manner do we implicate (occupy?) the institutions (from universities
to museums) which have assumed (often uncritically) the same neoliberal
values, measures and cultures which have produced this crisis?
occupation, one that links bodies laying claim to the space of the street,
with images and sounds of those bodies transmitted across the planet.
Moreover, artists and cultural workers have participated in organization,
planning, logistics, and practice of the occupation in varied ways. From
working inside the various work groups of the general assembly, to others
who have contributed with ‘protest art’ of slogans, chants, signs,
puppets, music, screenings, programming, hacking, diverse interventions,
teach-ins, performances, acts of civil disobedience, and audio-video
documentation of all of the above.
see and hear more of them, we also wonder what ways can our particular
know-how be elaborated at this juncture? What else can be made visible,
audible, legible?
and proposals together in one room. The hope is to create a space oriented
toward amelioration and development of actions, new uses of this context,
development of new proposals, rather than appearing smart or right or
taking the position of a spectator (however emancipated).
2. A call
demonstrations, both possible and impossible. Share reports or
documentation of things that have happened, may have happened, failed, or
could be done.
3. A note on the format
available to amplify sound and show images. In order to speed up
transitions between presenters, interested contributors are encouraged to
submit materials in advance via file-sharing services (dropbox, yousendit,
etc.). Please send a link to the materials to the following email address:
bring them on Friday, but also encouraged to arrive a bit early.
will try to adjust the timing of the presentations (shorter or longer) to
accommodate the number of respondents.
4. Links
NYCGA Arts & Culture working group:
NYCGA Direct Action working group:
NYCGA Media working group: http://www.nycga.net/groups/media/
"A Call to the Army of Love and to the Army of Software"
"Letter To the General Assembly and Affinity Groups of Occupy Wall Street"
16 Beaver Group
16 Beaver Street, 4th fl.
New York, NY 10004
4,5 -- Bowling Green
2,3 -- Wall Street
J,Z -- Broad Street
R -- Whitehall
1 -- South Ferry

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