Update: LAF/#OWS/Occupennial

[From Sally]
As far as the Living as Form installation, it is really still in the works and I think a full explanation and images will be more effective after it is activated by the public, which will hopefully happen today and tomorrow.
Basically, yesterday Nicole and I found some of that orange netting we were talking about and installed it on a wall in the exhibition space. We then got a bunch of cardboard and set up a sign making station on the floor in front of the netting on the wall. We could only find some crappy drug-store paint and only painted one sign to encourage others to do so as well. Today a CT intern is going to go purchase some better paint/brushes and also get some larger pieces of cardboard and maybe some sticks to attach to the signs. She is also printing up some images that she has taken down at OWS and is printing them to attach to the orange netting to provide context to the signs.
On Sunday in the space, there will be an event led by the activist Reverend Billy ( ) that (I believe) will conclude in a walk down to OWS. We are going to tell him to encourage people to make signs and to take the ones made in the space today, tomorrow, and sunday with them as well.
So that is where things are at at LAF. I am hoping today the installation will get activated, and good images and a more cohesive blurb will follow. I think it is important to see how it is functioning in the space before we really write or document anything.
Also, we can really print any images or articles about OWS and attach them to the netting. Is there anything that you all think needs to be on there for sure? Do we want any thing specifically about the occupenial and how to get involved represented in any way? Again, this installation is not meant to take activity that should be happening down at Liberty Plaza away from the movement. Hopefully it will encourage more people who are not already there to get involved, create signs, and physically bring them (and themselves!) down to liberty plaza to put their messages into action.
Ok, more soon!

living as form,
occupy wall street in

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