The Skadden Protest - The Beef

Your Name: Jason Flores-Williams
Your Email:
Subject: The Skadden Protest - The Beef
Message: Hi - I'm seeking artists to help me with visuals on this. Thanks, Jason
I'm closing down the law firm here in Santa Fe for a week and flying out to NYC on Thursday the 13th to sleep five days at Z park and write about Occupy Wall Street for the Brooklyn Rail.
I won't describe the following as a "protest" as much as it is a Personal Beef. But it's got to get done. Basically, we're gonna get it on cuz we don't get along.
The one group that's gotten a free pass in all of this is the corporate lawyers. These bastards made billions of dollars in billable hours off the direct infliction on pain, suffering and humiliation of the middle classes and the working poor. These guys were the true bullies. I saw it day after day in court - these lawyers pounding people into the ground with incompreheinsible motions, arguments, legal tricks without any concern for the ethics, morality or basic human decency. They were arrogant while they took people's homes, destroyed families and ripped apart lives. I wrote an article about it that ran here in SF and in the Rail and in a couple other spots:
And of all the law firms in American who act as the thug enforcers for Wall Street, it is Skadden Arps in Manhattan that is the ne plus ultra of nerd bullydom. I have friends from law school who work there who are nice people one on one, but who in the end are part of a legal machine that destroys human beings and maintains a system of sickening injustice.
I have duked it out with these bastards again and again, trying to keep people from being thrown out onto the streets. But in the end, when BofA is paying these guys $650 an hour to drown the court in paperwork and I'm standing there for free, there's just no way to keep up. It's starting off the game down 55 to nothing.
So, on Friday the 14th at 11:00 am, I am going to the Skadden Arps headquarters in Times Square and let me them know that one little small timer from NM knows how disgusting they are. I'm going to read a variation of that piece, another piece, and then deliver the closing argument that I always wanted to hit them with, but could never get to because they would always win on procedural grounds and summary judgment. I'm going to stand in front of their main doors and let them have it, then get back to Z Park. Here's where they are:
If you can make it, it's always better to be with people - and we'll go for scones after.
Jason Flores-Williams, Esq.
Nb. I wrote this in the past tense, but the foreclosures and insane debt collections and law suits for attorneys fees are happening with even greater ferocity today.
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