Occupennial Update - 10.30.11

Hey all. Lots of progress on numerous fronts.
Yaelle spearheaded a major overhaul/streamlining organizational restructuring of the Occupennial website, spending a lot of hours adding/shifting content to make the site more usable. If you take a peek at Occupennial.org, you'll see the sidebars (right and left) contain a lot fewer sections. The subsections are more sensible. I won't spend a lot of time going thru the details, since we'll be discussing this at tomorrow's meeting. Great job Yaelle!
Monty Stilson took on admin role for the photography section and massively streamlined that area. For now, there are just three individual galleries online. We will be adding the general galleries (protests, protesters, signs) in the next several days. Monty purchased the domain Occupeyes.org so we can have a direct link site to migrate the individual photog galleries offsite after a period where each is featured (as they come in). All will be added to the 3 databases, which can be expanded, if we need more categories down the line. Monty also set up a facebook site for Occupeyes, so we can offer users the option of data-dumping/direct uploading their images (from protests, in real time), it that's their preference/immediate need. We can discuss more the photo archives/galleries at tomorrow's meeting.
The big news is the upgrade. Thanks to Monty for doing the purchase up-front! The Occupennial site is now capable of having forms, so we can set up our throughputs like so:
Project-proposals, guild/AC/Occupennial inquiries
> through Occupennial forms
> Guilds
> back to Occupennial for documentation/bundling
> AC for approval
> if AC approved, to GA for approval/funding if necessary
> funds to the artists/projects if approved by GA
> actualization
> evaluation by all parties
> documentation at Occupennial and/or the AC site (to be), as well as in the various guild sites
I sent an email to all the guild folk letting them know about the forms.
Since our Monday meeting will be a quickie, focused on site structure, and because two of the bundled projects are still in process of revision, I'm holding off on listing here in any detail what we'll be bringing to AC later in the week for approval. Here's the list in brief:
• OWS/Low Lives
• Pop-UP/Zuccotti
• Printed Matter Storefront Window Display for November
• Joy Behar (artist tour of Liberty Sq)
The outreach letter is in process. Sally is hacking at that today/tomorrow. Tamara of Fab wrote over the weekend she's looking forward to working with us to get the word out. I attended a Communications/Outreach meeting last Wednesday, during which the Outreach guy mentioned they have a very large list of people who want to get involved. I'll be contacting the OR peeps this week to see if they can help with our efforts. Hopefully by the end of the week we'll be able to begin our campaign to build teams for tasks/attracting content/submissions.
Last, Chris is planning on developing an OWS art history section for the site, and I reached out to Blithe, asking if she wanted to facilitate a similar section for artist/work issues.
Think that's it for now..

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