
Are you an artist? Can you draw? Our project is to support the Occupy Wall Street movement by making protraits of the occupants, documenting the range of participants and recording their messages, using our special skills as artists.
The Occupy movement is now global. We ope to collect images from artists everywhere.
Send us your art from your Occupation. Please send 72 dpi jpegs or a link to your web album to sbrzweig@gmail.com.
This is a quick sketch of a mother and son. He had been in the navy for 10 years, he's now in the reserves. He said, "People in the military are just like everyone else-- we know the difference between right and wrong." His mom looked on as passerbys eagerly engaged him in conversation: "I was a single mom," she said. I must have raised him right."
OccupyWall Street, Oct. 15. Andrea Kantrowitz.

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