Barricade the Barricade, or Occupy Red Cube

To all performers, artists, merry-makers, interested parties, and any seeking justice for the 99%…
Thursday, November 17
8:00am meet up at Red Cube
8:30am Performance
Barricade the Barricade, or Occupy Red Cube
Help Us Free Public Art
In support of Occupy Wall Street and the Day of Global Action, please join us as we build a living sculpture to surround the Red Cube at Broadway and Liberty, across from Liberty Square. By linking our bodies in the creation of our own public art form, we can render useless the barricades that tarnish the art work displayed on our city streets. Isamu Noguchi, the sculptor of Red Cube, is quoted as saying, “the sculptor is not merely a decorator of buildings but a serious collaborator with the architect in the creation of significant space and of significant shapes which define this space.” ( Let’s form a living sculpture around the entire Cube and show the world how powerful our bodies can be in defining our space! We will occupy public art and take back what is intentioned for public access! The group, intertwined in various and intricate ways, will remain still and strong throughout the 30 minute performance. Only when participants hear the sound of a helicopter (sure to be there) will they shift their poses to face the Cube. When participants hear the sound of a siren, they will shift to face away from the Cube. These interactions with environment, along with our intertwined bodies, remind us how interconnected we really are.
Any and all are welcome to join our living sculpture. No prior experience necessary.
Wear read in solidarity with the Cube.
There will be a sign detailing 5 simple rules for this action, so any passersby may join:
- Observe the human barricade/sculpture.
- Join human sculpture/barricade whenever a traffic light turns green. Link to someone else and find a comfortable pose you can sustain. Please respect self and others when connecting to other bodies.
- When you hear a helicopter, shift your pose to face inward toward the Cube.
- When you hear a siren, shift your pose to face outward away from the Cube.
- Come and go as you please, when a traffic light turns green.
We also welcome musicians, puppeters, and any others who wish to share their talents in this inspiring action. Come support the sculpture with your creativity!!
See you there!!
Peace together,

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