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Occupy Records*I-kR0WqHMBUxy3eKqGJA7QNBd8501EdeNCju4A5xkFurMHhC6YskFWR6r1uSV0lOLmAkVcdSka8/revoluyion1.jpg

Image added to OR website by DISCOJANE!

Occupy Records

What we're doing at Occupy Records is creating a platform to facilitate the connection between artists and fans who are involved with or inspired by the global Occupy movement.

Up until this point, there has been a lot of great music that's been created but no central place to share it or find it.  Thus, our initial goal is to encourage everyone - artists, music fans, activists, and anyone interested to join the community, share and connect with each other.

Going forward, we're going to be facilitating a series of releases of original music inspired by the Occupy movement that will benefit the cause, along with events, original video content, and other cool stuff. 

The ultimate goal is to have Occupy Records develop into its own self-sustaining media portal, allowing an organic global culture to flourish without interference from corporate interest.

Please enjoy the site, use it to share everything that inspires you, and spread the word.

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