Occupy Printed Matter - November 19, 12-5PM

this Saturday (11/19) from noon to 5pm, we will be continuing our Occupy Printed Matter action.
We will be decorating their window with a new display of Occupy Wall Street art and occupying the sidewalk in front of their store with art…perhaps silkscreening this week, perhaps sign-making, perhaps life drawing, perhaps a visit from Occupy Legoland.
If anyone would like to contribute work–work small enough to be hung in a living collage in a store window, or from part of the adjoining ceiling space, or sculptures with a small enough footprint to fit on a relatively narrow sill–we will be evaluating and striving to accept as many submissions as possible at Printed Matter, 195 Tenth Avenue between 22nd & 23rd, from 12-5pm tomorrow.

occupy printed matter,
ows in

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