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Occupy Your Opinion

From the Occupy Ft. Myers Infodesk:

Could you please help spread the word about this Art Installation / Project.  We would love to have submissions from around the world.  Here is the information and details of this wonderful artists vision...

Here is a rough sketch of what the installation will look like: The cardboard cutouts laid out on the floor shoulder to shoulder in solidarity will represent people across the world who are laying their lives and personal truths at the feet of their representatives and the general public in hopes that their presence can do what their votes have not. Each cutoutwill be painted white to symbolize the purity and innocence in speaking one’s personal truth, and then covered with the words of the individual it represents. The public will be faced with a visual representation of the choices they make each day reguarding the occupy movement: Would you ignore and walk over the views of your countrymen, carefully walk between and read their thoughts or occupy your opinion and join the global conversation? The first Occupy Your Opinion installation will be a part of the Salon de Colle show which opens January 6th January 6th at the Sidney & Burne Davis Art Center in Fort Myers, FL. ((this is a rough draft of the explanation- any comments or questions are greatly appreciated!))

What is Occupy Your Opinion?

Occupy Your Opinion is an interactive art installation that depicts methods of communication through collaged materials within the context of the Occupy Wall Street Movement.

You can join the discussion by posting your convictions (What do You Occupy For? What in Your Opinion has Occupy Wall Street been able to accomplish? What do You Hope Occupy Can Do?) along with an outline of your prostrate personage on this blog:

Do this and I, artist at large Mandalin Paul, will make a white cardboard cutout in your shape, cover it with your words and lay it shoulder to shoulder on the grounds of the Sidney & Burne Davis Art Center in January so the public will be faced with a physical decision to mirror the subconscious choices they make daily in context of the OCCUPY Wall Street Movement.  Will you walk over the views of your countrymen and pretend they don’t exist, carefully weave between and pause to reflect on their meanings, or will you Occupy Your Opinion and join the global discussion?

We the People are an Installation of collaged intentions,

Diverse origins with a unified direction

To stand present and accounted for

When you believe in something more

What do You OCCUPY for?

Mandalin Paul can be found on Facebook under the same name and has been a wonderful contributor here in Occupy Fort Myers.  Thank you in advance for your time and efforts to pass this along!  


Matthew and your brothers and sisters in Fort Myers

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