Tiny Tenting!

Hello Friends,

[NOTE: OwA contributing photographer Paul Talbot first posted this follow-up on his excellent blog, The Wheel.]:
OWS groups push the boundaries of occupying with #tinytenting
"The most revolutionary acts are not those of violence, but of kindness; try a little tenderness, try a little tiny tenting! Make a tent, create a message, and GO TENTING! it can be done anywhere, everywhere, and costs almost nothing. Get twigs, old fabrics, glue, and hazah! You have a poetic tiny tent which spreads radical imagination everywhere" (Alex C.)

Building of a tiny tent with dowels and canvas

Building Materials

Luminaries in side the tent, this size seemed to be the best for fire inside the #tinytents

Used recycled materials and stuff from outside to build your tents

Art supplies for writing our messages on the canvas, wax, paper or any other material that would act as a lumiary

#tinytenting is fun and inspirational, the occupy movements have to find ways to allow people to have fun and be creative and this is one way that has come about in kind of a natural progression since most occupation are being evicted. Tiny Tenting allows you to occupy spaces that you would otherwise be immediately turned away from. Push the boundaries, take a picture. Leave a tent or two in an area to see what kind of response the tents have on others.
For more information about #tinytent building or to share your tenting adventures tag your photos with @nerephotography and #tinytenting #ows
To see all photos and ideas on how to build tiny tents click the link below

Reader Comments (1)
Dont forget Occupy Boston's Tiny Tent Task Force :)