OwA Update [Christmas Day, 2011]

Photo by Paul Talbot
Dear Occupiers!
Santa's elves have been helping us with OwA this Holiday Season, because we've been such good 99%ers!
We've added some new social media sites to our OwA platform:
- Occupy with Art Twitter
- Occupy with Art Facebook [Community Page]
- Occupy with Art Facebook [Profile]
We've added two new Active Project Proposals to that section:
- Wall Street to Main Street, with my essay and a "Suggestion Box" - more about the Suggestion Box concept soon; expect more WS2MS project info in the next week, as we prepare to launch the international call for entries, and include more details on the initiatives we're planning for this substantial and exciting production.
- CO-OP|occuburbs, with Chris Moylan's awesome essay serving as the start-point; the second part of Chris' "Occuburbs" will soon be posted, along with outlines of this program
You'll be hearing about developments in two other OwA projects, "Low Lives: Occupy" and another TBA, in the next week or two.
We've added many more links with other Occupy websites, online sources and resources in our site tree, including:
Other sections (like OWS Stories, the Poetry/Music section in the art database, AH Journal, etc.), have been updated with links to outside sites dedicated to the subjects in our archives and listings. OwA is hoping to continue to serve as a comprehensive nexus for occupant art in 2012.
OwA co-organizer Chris Cobb has launched Occupy Publishing and is moving forward with an outstanding and important project for February (see his site for more details). Photographer Paul Talbot continues to expand our OwA Photos section with galleries covering occupations, actions and the 99% who make them happen. You can expect more beautiful and compelling camera work from Steve O, Monty and new team members in the coming year, contributing images that capture the power and vision of Occupy.
There's much more, but I'll stop there, and get back to the egg nog and candy canes, leaving you with a link to a December 25 poem I wrote for the occasion.
co-organizer p

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