#J11: NDAA, 10 Years of Gitmo, and Solidarity with the Nigerian National Strike

[From Imani]:
Hi All,
A cluster of folks from many working groups has come together to take a stand against the NDAA.
We need help from painters tonight to paint a banner at 20 Jay Street from 6-10pm and performers to help work through a bit of street theatre to occur in conjunction with leafletting at Wednesday's action:
Wednesday, January 11th
- 3pm-4pm leafletting at 43rd St and 7th Ave
- 4pm March to the Niegerian Consulate at 44th St and 2nd Ave
- 5pm Rally at the Nigerian Consulate
This upcoming Wednesday, January 11th is the 10 year anniversary of the opening of Guantanamo Bay Prison. This day is a somber recognition of previous repressive state measures that violate not only people on individual levels, but our international agreements on Universal Human Rights. We will be protesting in solidarity with others all over the world.
The Nigerian people are striking that same day, after the Nigerian government cut oil subsidies for citizens January 1st 2012. In response Occupy Nigeria blocked the shipping routes and shut down petrol stations this past Tuesday. Though it was a peaceful protest, the state attacked the protesters with tear gas and gunfire, killing 23 year old Mustapha Opobiyi. This mirrors the systemic state violence witnessed world-wide over the past year since the beginning of the Arab Spring--but this ongoing repression builds resistance.
As we know in the United States, repression is on the rise. Between the continued use of inhumane prisons like Guantanamo Bay and the recently passed National Defense Authorization Act of Fiscal Year 2012, people in the US are becoming more and more aware of the injustices of this globalized corporate system. We stand in solidarity with the Nigerian people and all victims of this system. We also see the inconsistency of the US government's support of pro-democracy movements when it is actively derailing the very democracy it claims to protect.
We call on you to join us in fighting back against state repression!
*Called by an affinity group of participants in the Occupy Movement in NYC working against the NDAA.

artists needed in
art to support ows,

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