DIY Sky-cam at UC Davis GA [11.21.2011] + News on the 1st InterOccupy National A&C Conference Call

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The plastic bottle that is visible in the video is the second camera, which is taking still images. The video was captured with a mobile phone camera.
The above video was posted on a great visionary cartographic/mapping site called Archive of Desire. AoD presented on last night on the first InterOccupy national conference call for Occupy arts and culture. It was a great exchange, with many remarkable projects and people sharing their visions of Occupy from points across the US (and beyond).
Occupy with Art also participated as a featured presenter on local Occupy art projects. Co-organizer Paul McLean spoke briefly about the Yoko Ono/OWS project, Wall Street to Main Street, and Low Lives: Occupy! In the subsequent breakout group, McLean discussed Occupational education and Occupy artist collaborations.
The minutes from the conference call are HERE.

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