Ninety Nine

my name is Maddalena Ugolini, I am an Italian photographer, in Florence I have already exhibited my works and now I am preparing my first exhibition in DC, the city where I live now. I just finished my photography project of Occupy DC, movement in which I actively participated in the last three months.
"Ninety-nine" is the title of this series of ninety-nine portraits photographed at McPherson Square and Freedom Plaza, the two occupied squares in Washington DC. Here men, women, children, students, workers, businessmen, teachers and unemployed people are following the movement of Occupy DC in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street. These people, most of whom have been living and sleeping in tents since October , gather to give voice to a substantial majority of the population to protest and oppose the logic of greed, injustice and corruption linked to a small percentage of wealthy and powerful people. The latter category represents one percent of the population, so here comes the pretext of the number of portraits: ninety-nine. Ninety-nine percent of us. The messages they have written and hold in their hands are messages of justice, love and freedom which describe in a simple but sincere way their desire for optimism and confidence in a better future .
Here my website where you can find this project and a link of an italian webmegazine where it has been published.
- _www.maddalenaugolini.com
- _http://www.teladoiofirenze.it/cultura-firenze/ninety-nine-occupy-dc-progetto-fotografico-di-maddalena-ugolini/
Thank you very much.
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brava M!