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Dance and the Occupy Movement

Dance and the Occupy Movement
January 25 WED 7:30pm
Presented by the Movement Research Studies Project
Organized by Abigail Levine
Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics 
20 Cooper Square, 5th Floor, at 5th Street  

"Exploring an expanded notion of choreography and how it is related to our social and political organization and discovery of ourselves as individuals working within a temporary collective... circling and questioning around ideas of a moving community."   --Movement Research Festival Spring 2011 brochure


"Exercise your right to peaceably assemble; occupy public space; create a process to address the problems we face, and generate solutions accessible to everyone."   --Declaration of the Occupation, NYC General Assembly


What are the points of contact between experimental, contemporary dance and the Occupy Movement? As spatial and embodied practice? As social investigation and organization? As improvisation and movement? As agents of change? How do and might these moving communities interact? How do we approach (public and private) space in New York City? Barbara Browning, Daniel Lang-Levitsky, Paloma McGregor, Clarinda Mac Low, and Edisa Weeks open a conversation about this creative political moment.

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