OwA @Activist Technology Demo Day [EYEBEAM] Tomorrow!

Occupy with Art will be participating in Activist Technology Demo Day, hosted by EYEBEAM, tomorow [Saturday, January 28 from 3-6PM]. Come down, get your Occupy activist geek on, and meet/swap ideas with our team and other similarly occupied peeps (like the Tech-op wizards of OWS). We'll be talking about the upcoming OwA projects like Wall Street to Main Street, Low Lives: Occupy, CO-OP/Occuburbs/-fest, the OWS Spatial Team residency at Hyperallergic, passing out the Yoko Ono/OWS Wish Tree for Zuccotti Park multiples, and swapping info on how OwA and Occupy artists around the globe are imagining new models for 99% economies, exhibitions, alliances, and more, and how today's latest technologies are enabling our efforts and the movement as a whole. Come & join us!
Here's the press release:
From Arab Spring to Occupy Wall Street, technology has played an important role in shaping contemporary resistance and the representation of these events in the media. What new tools of protest and occupation have emerged over the past year? How does their use help to shape tomorrow’s democracies? The Urban Research Group @ Eyebeam and The Public School New York have invited activists, technologists, artists, designers, and community organizers who have a working prototype of an activist technology to occupy a worktable at Eyebeam and share their work with the public. Drawn from proposals submitted through an open call, we have selected a group of projects and communities that extend the creative use of technology and its social implications. Our interest is in creating a platform for encounter, conversation and collaboration. Visit http://demo-day.org/projects for participating project information. This public event will culminate with a panel discussion at 5pm with special guest Stephen Duncombe, Associate Professor at the Gallatin School and the Department of Media, Culture and Communications of New York University and co-creator of the School for Creative Activism; Mary Mattingly, Eyebeam Fellow and the creator of Waterpod; and moderated by Taeyoon Choi, Eyebeam Fellow and member of The Public School New York committee.

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