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OwA Online Submissions

[NOTE: Occupy with Art loves it when you share your work with us. Here are two online submissions that came through this past week.]

From: Paul-Felix Montez

Artist proposed national sculpture monument for Zucotti park, something to make Occupy last forever - even proposing it will certainly upset a lot of people hoping it all goes away.

my web site is :
From Athanasia Sky [Occupii & Facebook]
Hi, I'm from Occupy Austin {volunteer on the PR and Media Teams }

I would like to submit a painting.
I have attached photos :) It's difficult to photograph this painting it's kind of irredescent like a foil card.
It is my first painting ever since, fifth grade finger painting :) I think it came out good in spite of that fact :)

Do you guys do auctions???
It is hard for single members or single cities to hold auctions online.
I was hoping OWS or OWashington could run an online auction for all the states and the money could go to the Occupy of the Aritist Choice.
I think that we could make alot of money for the movement that way. :)

Anyway, let me know what you can do to help me out and if it can be auctioned :D Thanks. Our hearts are with you guys everyday. Stay Strong 1<3 :)
- Thanks & we'll let you know if any auction's planned!!

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