OwA Online Submissions

[NOTE: Occupy with Art loves it when you share your work with us. Here are two online submissions that came through this past week.]
From: Paul-Felix Montez
Artist proposed national sculpture monument for Zucotti park, something to make Occupy last forever - even proposing it will certainly upset a lot of people hoping it all goes away.
my web site is : http://www.occupyface.com

Hi, I'm from Occupy Austin {volunteer on the PR and Media Teams }
I would like to submit a painting.
I have attached photos :) It's difficult to photograph this painting it's kind of irredescent like a foil card.
It is my first painting ever since, fifth grade finger painting :) I think it came out good in spite of that fact :)
Do you guys do auctions???
It is hard for single members or single cities to hold auctions online.
I was hoping OWS or OWashington could run an online auction for all the states and the money could go to the Occupy of the Aritist Choice.
I think that we could make alot of money for the movement that way. :)
Anyway, let me know what you can do to help me out and if it can be auctioned :D Thanks. Our hearts are with you guys everyday. Stay Strong 1<3 :)

From Carla Cubit:
Hey Everyone
I will have a solo show of my artwork, paintings and mixed media assemblage, January 30th - March 17th @ Sovereign Bank, 86 River Street, in Hoboken, New Jersey, one block from the Hoboken PATH station if you can make it. This exhibit ion is inspired by the Occupy Wall Street protests and sponsored by Hob' Art Cooperative Gallery. Hope to see you there. Occupy Art Worldwide.
Opening Reception with refreshments: February 2, 2012 (5-6pm)
Facebook event invite here: http://www.facebook.com/events/151332658314852/

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