OwA Website to be included in Tamiment Library Web Archive

Occupy with Art has been contacted by Tamiment Library for the purposes of inducting the site into Tamiment's Web Archive. OwA is excited about the prospect, and we will keep you updated on the progress of our discussion with TL. YOUR FEEDBACK IS WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED.
Hello,The Tamiment Library, New York University (a special collection documenting labor and progressive social activity) has identified your website, Occupy with Art, http://www.occupywithart.com, as a vital publication for current and future researchers. I am an archivist working on the Economic and Social Justice web archive, which contains websites of entities concerned with promoting economic and social justice in the United States. A specific area of concentration is the Occupy Wall Street Movement that began in September, 2011.Materials in this archive are strictly for educational and scholarly research purposes....The archiving tools we use are provided by the California Digital Library (CDL), which is part of the University of California. These tools were initially funded by the Library of Congress in an effort to preserve our digital cultural heritage....We hope you will agree that your site is an extremely valuable part of the historic record. These materials will serve as a resource of lasting value for researchers, and the archive may well be of use to your own organization in the event that you should need to easily review older information.
History & Description
The Tamiment Library and Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives at New York University form a unique, internationally-known center for scholarly research on Labor and the Left. The primary focus is the complex relationship between trade unionism and progressive politics and how this evolved over time. Archival, print, photograph, film, and oral history collections describe the history of the labor movement and how it related to the broader struggle for economic, social, and political change.
In 1977 the Robert F. Wagner Archives was established as a joint program of the New York City Central Labor Council and the Tamiment Library. The Wagner is the designated repository for the records of the Council's more than 200 member unions. Today the Library has an extraordinary research collection documenting the history of organized labor in New York and the workers who built the City.
Tamiment has one of the finest research collections in the country documenting the history of radical politics: socialism, communism, anarchism, utopian experiments, the cultural left, the New Left, and the struggle for civil rights and civil liberties. It is the repository for the Archives of Irish America, the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives, and a growing Asian American labor collection.
Read more about the history of the Tamiment Library.
Collection Development Policy
Tamiment's archival collections, manuscripts, oral histories, photographs, films, videotapes, books, serials, and pamphlets document the history of labor, socialism, communism, anarchism, utopian experiments, the New Left, and the post-New Left as well as the social and cultural contexts in which these movements functioned.
Full Collection Development Policy Statement

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