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BAAAAA! We Love Things Just the Way They Are

[From Doug]:


I've written a song that satirizes how gullible people are about the things they're told by the 1% and their lackeys. See

A chorus of sheep sings:

Baaaaa! Join us! join us! join us!

Maaaaa! Come and join the herd

Join us as we bleat together

We love things just the way they are

I have the feeling it would be fun for people to sing this together, possibly publicly. So I've separated out the backing track and made it available for free download at for people to use however they like.

The lyrics are also on the site. ( But I hope people will want to make and perform new verses as befits their local situation. The thing to keep in mind is, it's only funny if the sheep are naiively praising things that clearly aren't in their interest, "we love things just the way they are." If the sheep become aware of the irony in what they're saying, it loses its bite.

Imagine a chorus of people singing Baaaaa! wearing sheep noses!

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