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REvGaMEs: Call/Response, 2+ Sequence Poems

[Photo by Paul McLean]


[Game program initiated by (sender) Alexandre Carvalho]

Solo or collective meditationdance, process whereupon the awakening being feels the streams of the universe intermeshing with body and body politik, streaming to and from, here and there, improving and exercising creation-meditation with no fucking mediation.
Microfilaments play, histories stream about: converge, merge, diverge, merge - and Emerge. 
#OWS? Not an organization. An idea-organism. Faith that manifests. By making the invisible visible, desmystifying space-time, we nourish a new reality. 

{{@vortex,,,,,of a free,,,,square,,,we,,spiral.  spin the wheels of
got it? no need for it. it's there at the funhouse where all mirrors lie.
#novads = #novas + #nomads. Crossing event-horizons all day all week, not for people but with people, through people. 
all can be to ride lifestreams
let you body loose
feel the streams 
leave the space void
ride the streams
if you like dreams




Look at the response of this dude, inspired by our poetry! I think we might be indeed making art in the way that Paul mentioned. Amazing.


Photo by Paul McLean


Hello, my name is Skyglider Daydream and I received Alexandre's poem "Dance of Streams" through another listserv and it inspired me to write the following poem in response to it. If you like it, please forward it to the OWS S17 listserv and any others. Thank you!




flipperty ten-dance tree-tops = breakdown joy
wafting floating breezing keening
thinking moon thoughts for a dead dreamer
butterfly chrysalis transform love

0uf75jak j7k5flsa 39jo ksfn u3 ukg mfel
glory u-topia u-topos no place no time
no chains no bonds no work no hate
no thought


why worry? (??)

why fret why frown why look down?

just blue skies

are all I see


        .-~~~~-. |\\_
     @_/        /  oo\_
       |    \   \   _(")
        \   /-| ||'--'
      \_\  \_\\

smash a pig

piggy pig piggy pig piggy piggy pig pig

do you want to hit me? i know you do

come on mister pig

take your best shot


I know you want to feel your knuckles crunch my face break my skull


let me tell you a secret

I want it too

because that will make it all worthwhile



you define me


come on in (take a spot)
sit down

doesn’t matter where

it’s all the same, who really cares?


not another march! oh bore

- let’s wax rhapsodical and discuss our privilege

forget about the community forum  right here right now this is what matters

what we’re doing at this very moment 

(what are we doing?)

doesn’t matter

just go - free


we the people of the occupied squares of America, in order to form a more perfect autonomous horizontal collective, establish organic food-shares, insure eternal drum circles, provide for the common mystification of our objectives, promote general disorganization, and secure the blessings of liberty to our idealized selves and our posteriors, do ordain and establish this reconstitution of transcendent fabulistic conceptual paradigms


job schmob war shmor health care belf pair

I'm not the one with

     mortgage payments


               $5 an hour

                     dead end job

                          doctor’s bills

                               out of food

                                   crying kids

                                        gotta go to work

                                             car won’t start


(just free your mind –

your body is not my concern; who is this person? i don’t know them)

smick smack clickety clack                                

floating free morphing transforming no shape always changing beautiful

a new world (who am i?)




vortex transgress transgress transgress

revolution of the mind

not the world (there is no world)

owing no one but me

no obligations (the invisible committee, isn’t it so very pretty?)


just occupy always occupy everywhere occupy

here an occupy there an occupy everywhere an occu-pie-pie



is a beautiful word to me

i imagine myself free

because i say i am

no matter what happens

in afghanistan


smash a window, smash a mind

eat a beer, drink the rind

don't worry what we leave behind

let's have a toy revolution


we are the occupiers
we are the occupiers
we are the occupiers

and we don't care

[fin sequence]

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