arOCCUPY May Day

Augmented Reality Occupation of Earth May Day 2012!!
The global community is invited to view the augmented reality [AR] occupation of the earth this May 1st.
OCCUPY this upcoming MAY DAY with Augmented Reality! [and plz be active in the real world May Day as well]
Artists and activists from around the world have come together to augment the earth on May 1st 2012.
Brooklyn based Devotion Gallery will show the AR intervention live following the May Day Protest in NYC, at 100's of locations across the world!
Devotion Gallery website:
SMART PHONE USERS will be able to occupy their communities with AR almost anywhere + can keep free AR art on MAY 1st. Please fill in the map
1. Go to a location on the map, if your area doesn't have one please contact us-
2A. Scan this QR code and it will either launch the app or take you to a download page if you don't have it-
2B. Load the Layar or Junaio app on your smart phone on MAY 1st [it's NOT live till May 1st].
a. For Layar - once the main screen loads click the "Layars" button in the top left corner of the screen. Next click the "Layars" button left of the screen.
in the top search for May Day.
Load "arOCCUPY May Day" apps-
b. download and print the marker from the instructions page on the arOCCUPY May Day website.
Attach the marker to your head-
Load the Junaio app and search for May Day, load the arOCCUPY May Day.
Load the app and aim the camera at the marker.
Just take a screen capture/ photo or video and send it to us on May 1st- send to us with your location.
You can be in the gallery show.
Jeremy Bailey
To participate you don't have to have a smartphone, all you have to do is load an augmented reality art work and take an image of it. It DOES NOT MATTER who's work it is or what hardware/software you use. Any AR work is great. Just take a screen cap or photo video on may 1st- send to us.
arOCCUPY May Day is a non-violent action meant to send a message to the 1%. The global community will be heard in the heart land of the 1% and maybe in your hometown!
Participating Artists
- Aequitas
- Warren Armstrong
- Jeremy Bailey
- Amir Baradaran
- Wafa Borgès
- John Cleater
- Chris Diasparra
- Joseph DeLappe
- John Craig Freeman
- 4Gentlemen
- Lily & Honglei
- Scott Kildall
- Patrick Lichty
- Kristin Lucas
- Chris Manzione
- Todd Margolis
- Paul McLean
- Will Pappenheimer
- Geoffrey Alan Rhodes
- Lalie Schewadron
- Nathan Shafer
- Dan Loudfoot-Simons
- Mark Skwarek
- Alan Sondheim
- Julia Sverchuk
- Tamiko Thiel
- Jack Toolin
- Sander Veenhof

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