For the past several weeks, post-WS2MS, most of the work for Occupy with Art has been taking place off-grid as we prepare to launch Occupational Art School and our other upcoming projects, such as CO-OP/Occuburbs. Temporarily, the OwA Facebook page has been the nexus for the OwA constant data stream. We have been documenting the unfolding LIBOR scandal and conspiracy, the drumbeat of Occupy-Is-Dead stories, the censorship of coverage of global protests, corruption of democracy at national to local levels, the consistent efforts by multinational corporations and their proxies to co-opt and monetize every aspect of human society, accelerating campaigns to convert de-colonized/liberated sovereignties into permanent militarized surveillance + police + prison states serving 1% interests, the perpetuation of de-humanizing conditions such as endless wars (on "terror" or "drugs"), closed-door negotiations by plutocrats who deign and collude to brutally and insidiously determine humanity's future from the top-down... and the stunning, courageous actions of individuals operating, usually with no visible means of support, against these forces of oppression, greed and hate.
Please be patient while we format the 2.0 iteration of our enterprise. Or rather, don't be patient. Get off your fucking ass and do something.

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