Occupy Discussion at 3rd Ward

Graphic by Occupy Design
Saturday November 19th, 2011
Imagining a Future // A Discussion about Occupy Wall Street
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
195 Morgan Avenue, Free
People from across the country and globe are joining the creative community around the Occupy Wall Street Movement, bringing together performers, poets, designers, builders, filmmakers, photographers, and musicians both online and in physical space.
Join us for an evening of discussion and informal presentations from groups helping shape these creative explorations: Occupy Cinema, Occupy Design, the OWS Screenprinting Lab, and more. Hear about their experiences from the field, how they’ve organized their art and performance actions, and discuss the accomplishments and challenges that have emerged within the arts at OWS.
These emergent creative networks are working through new processes to collaborate, critique, and creatively imagine our political and economic future. This event is for anyone would like to ask questions, offer critiques, learn more, or get involved with the creative communities that have mobilized around Occupy Wall Street.
RSVP at www.3rdward.com/rsvp
For more information about the creative responses to OWS, visit http://www.occupennial.org/