March for Black Friday

Hello OWS A&C,
This is my first time writing your group. I joined because I didn't know how else to reach you all to see if you'd be able to help. The people from Occupy 477 Harlem are planning a March for Black Friday. I realize it may be short notice to ask for your help, but we really do need it if we stand a chance making our vision happen.
We are planning a silent march where we would also blindfold our marchers. We'd have them all hold on to ropes that will be held by Lady Justice. The other March facilitators would also hopefully be dressed as Lady Justices. The reason for this is that the march's message is around Slavery and Reparations. We want a Lady Justice that can see to be leading the blind through our march which will also be a teach-in. We will be making stops in places that are meaningful towards how slavery was facilitated and became a source of income in NYC. We will leave from Liberty, our first stop will be at Stuyvesant HS, named after Mayor Stuyvesant who was the mayor to open NYC ports to slavery making it the second largest next to North Carolina. The second would be at Foley Sq, which is also part of the African Burial ground. The third would be at Seaport which was the port where slaves came into NYC. The fourth will be the NYSE where slaves were traded. We will end at Liberty.
We were actually inspired by the beautiful Lady Justice that was coming to OWS a few weeks back. Idk if there's any way to contact her and see if she'd be interested in participating.
If there is any way this group can help make our vision come to life we would greatly appreciate it. Any questions are welcome.
Much Love to all of you,