OAS Node #1 [10/5]: Starr Street Slam (TEASER + PRESS RELEASE)

On Friday, October 5, 2012, from 7-9PM Brooklyn Rail Editor Theodore Hamm will host STARR STREET SLAM an historic series of readings in the heart of Bushwick/Brooklyn/NYC/USA/Earth at the Occupational Art School Node 1 @Bat Haus. The list of presenters includes Barbara Browning, Doug Cordell, Corey Eastwood, Paul McLean and Christopher Moylan. Come join us for a fine time, for merriment, for smart and inspirational words, for libations and finger foods, for communal pleasure of all sorts!
[BUSHWICK] Brooklyn, NY 11237
L Stop: Jefferson Street
[Exit the train at the Wyckoff/Starr end of the platform, walk with the one-way on Starr towards St. Nicholas a half block, and Bat Haus is just past the famous taco stand on the left. Look for the yellow ochre door that says “Bat Haus.”]
MORE INFO: artforhumans at gmail dot com
OAS Node 1 @Bat Haus is an Occupy with Art + Art for Humans Project. Founding members include Paul McLean, Chris Moylan, JenJoy Roybal, Alexandre Carvalho (OAS Node n) and Bold Jez (OAS Node 0).
BARBARA BROWNING teaches performance studies at N.Y.U. and writes novels.
DOUG CORDELL tells stories on NPR and writes them in the Brooklyn Rail.
COREY EASTWOOD is a writer and co-owner of Book Thug Nation and Human Relations Books in Bushwick.
PAUL McLEAN is a regular Rail contributor, dimensional artist and founding member of OASN1.
CHRISTOPHER MOYLAN is a professor, poet-artist, union organizer, occupier and founding member of OASN1.
THEODORE HAMM is editor of the Brooklyn Rail.
“Our dream is to open a building in Bushwick, Brooklyn with vegetable and flower gardens on the roof, studios of all sorts on another floor (painting, holography, photography, theater, film and all these working together) on another, living spaces and a childcare facility on another and all of these centered on a cooperative economy: food co-op, art and educational co-op, art offered in an alternative economic model. The doors to and in this place will open all ways— out to the community so all are welcome and within the space open to all rooms so people share and work together and create together. There will be teaching in this school, naturally, but no classes. Instruction will be through inspiration and guidance in open apprenticeships. We will practice the spirit of Occupy in the most constructive, joyous, healing way we can. We will step outside of capitalism, not confront or battle it. We will ignore the hegemony of institutions and corporate interests not try to overthrow or fight them. We will work outside of corporate time and within liberated time that flows as it will.
We are doing this. The process is in place. Artists are coming to the school to give lectures, for free. We are attracting people from the community and already we are engaging in an alternative art economy, exchanging services of various sorts for lessons and art. This is happening very fast. We are in deep rem sleep, dreaming hard, and it is a wonderful experience.” - Chris Moylan (October 2012)
Founded in October 2000 and currently published monthly with a print circulation of 20,000 and an international online monthly readership of over 500,000, the Brooklyn Rail is committed to providing an independent forum for arts, culture, and politics throughout New York City and beyond.
Our journal features local reporting, art criticism, fiction, poetry, as well as coverage of music, dance, film and theater. In 2004, the Rail was honored with several awards from the Independent Press Association-NY, and in 2002 and 2003, we proudly received the Utne Independent Press Award for Best Local/Regional Coverage in North America. In addition, the Rail further fulfills its mission by curating art exhibitions, panel discussions, reading series and film screenings that reflect the complexity and inventiveness of the city’s artistic and cultural landscape. If you would like to receive occasional updates on our events and other special projects, please join our mailing list.
Our small press, The Brooklyn Rail/Black Square Editions, publishes books of poetry, experimental fiction, prose meditation, artists’ writings, and interview with artists in addition to art and literary criticism.
The Brooklyn Rail, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, distributes its journal free of charge, and our devoted staff, editors and contributors work on an entirely voluntary basis. We rely exclusively on the philanthropy of foundations and individual donors to meet our production, operation, and program expenses. If you are interested in supporting us, please consider making a fully tax-deductible donation.
Bat Haus is the creation of Natalie Chan & Cody Sullivan, which began as a vague idea just after New Year’s 2012. Through many conversations with small business advisors, bankers, fellow coworking spaces, lawyers, and contractors, this idea has evolved into a complex and well-mannered life-form.