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Entries in conference (1)


Squatting Europe Collective, New York City, February 23-27, 2012

[From Alan]

Yes, the Squatting Europe Kollective is meeting in New York this month. We're hoping it to be historic.
The schedule is posted at:
And pasted here:

Squatting Europe Collective, New York City, February 23-27, 2012

  1. Press release
  2. Reception, Thursday 2/23 at ABC No Rio, 7-10pm
  3. AAG sessions, Friday 2/24 at Hilton Hotel, 2nd floor Nassau Room
  4. Saturday, February 25th, afternoon/evening – Public presentation: “Squatting in Europe: Prospects and Perspectives” at Living Theatre, 5-7pm; ends sharp
  5. Sunday, February 26th – brunch meeting at 16 Beaver Group 12-4pm // meet with O4O group at 7pm
  6. Monday, February 27th – Public meetings with activists TBA // Presentation at CUNY-GC 6:30-8:30pm
  7. SQEK “Living Library” at Interference Archive, Brooklyn
  8. AAG session description (theoretical questions around militant research)

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