[From Gan]
Hi guys, I wanted to invite you to join us in planning and executing a very cool creative action for Thursday, January 26.
In conjunction with UnitedNY and other local unions (who were part of the N17 Day of Action) we will be targetting the most infamous, wealthiest corporations and CEO's that have succeeded in evading paying billions in taxes, like GE and Verizon. At a time where America is going broke due to a lack of tax revenue, all these guys want to talk about is cuts to education, health care, social security to make up the difference. Their CEO's are compensated over $10-20 million a year and some pay less % in taxes than their secretaries. These guys are the 1% of the 1%, and rather than throwing down with the rest of us, they have manipulated the laws to avoid paying their fair share. What's more, these corporations also have horrible labor practices, and are guilty of outsourcing jobs to other countries or states where workers have fewer rights and lower wages. It's time to call them out, starting with Verizon on the 26th.
So, what does the .01% do with all that extra money? Buy a baseball team! We will be dressing up as a baseball team called THE TAX DODGERS and going right to the doorstep of Verizon. We are working on putting together a full team's worth of head-to-toe uniforms, as well as CEO Ivan Siedenberd and perhaps a referee or two. We want The People to show up with whistles and call 'foul' because these corporations are breaking the rules of fair play, and are showing they are not 'part of the team' we call a country.
We need people, costumers, choreographers, performers and creative brainstormers! You interested?
If so, we are starting a new list just for this. Just send me an email and I will add you. [ gangolan [at] gmail [dot] com ]
Hope you can join us!