CO-OP/Occufest Flyer

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The Occupy with Art blog provides updates on projects in progress, opinion articles about art-related issues and OWS, useful tools built by artists for the movement, new features on the website, and requests for assistance. To submit a post, contact us at occupationalartschool(at)gmail(dot)com .
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NEW YORK, June 23. 2012--Tonight's discussion of the General Assembly, held at Liberty Plaza, aka Zuccotti Park, was intended to analyse the working of GA over the past six months and to try to fix its flaws-- through break-out groups. Proceedings took off at 6pm sharp with a detailed report of last week's meeting. Excerpts from transcript: "If some people at the GA are well fed [but others] are thinking about where their next meal is coming from, that's not really equal". . ."we wanted to check in with other occupations to analyse how they've acted and what their GAs have done so we can learn the lessons of their mistakes, not just the lessons of our own..."We want to bring back the community, that's kind of a hard thing" . . ."We also wanted to take personality [ego] out of the decision-making. We want to get the right answer, not 'my' answer. The group by discussion should find the right answer"...."We talked about rebuilding the squandered good will and trying to bring back the people who left because they couldn't put up with the b.s. the longest ...finding some way to fix our process so that it's not so inhuman and leads to fist fights. Maybe some way to have a more human conversation, instead of the point of process fight. Perhaps this could suggest some break out groups we want to work on." Video of other speakers at the meeting continues on Part 11. Filmed by Squaring Off.
NEW YORK, June 23, 2012--In Part II , individual occupiers get on stack and nail down aspects of General Assembly that have proved particularly irksome and make suggestions for fixes.
Excerpt, first speaker:" One, GA became too centralized. People began to feel it was gatekeeping for the movement and that some people were using GA to restrict people's activities in ways that were not empowering and not horizontal."
Excerpt, Second speaker: " From September 17th ...I watched something I loved a lot come under accumulating abuse with no one there to defend it."
NB filmmaker's note: while this re-evaluation of the GA is taking place on a weekly basis, the activities of other working groups continue and are open for participation.
Transcript and more speakers TK.
Film / Discussion / Public Forum / Music / Poetry
Co-Presented by Occupy with Art and Cinema Arts Center
Join us for a lively and illuminating evening about Occupy Wall Street, featuring the films of Liza Béar (who has been at OWS since the first day of the occupation), music, poetry, and information about numerous Long Island activist organizations
$10 Members / $15 Public
(includes reception)
Tickets also available by calling 800-838-3006, or at the CAC Box Office
Scholarship Tickets are available for those unable to pay – Contact Charlotte Sky at 631-423-7610 x22
Since Day One, September 17, 2011, Liza Béar has filmed the modus operandi of Occupy Wall Street at Zuccotti Park and at other New York locales. Shot over a 7 month period, these 65 minidocs or situationist videos combine dialogue between–and with—an eclectic range of OWS participants, members of the community and the security forces. The style is a mixture of verité filmmaking and a more proactive, direct cinema approach. The aim has been to dispel mass media stereotyping and facile judgments. To be screened tonight: OWS Day 5: “Corporations Can’t Cry”; “Zuccotti Gets Surreal”; “Occupy the SEC: Enforce the Volcker Rule,” “Occupy the Courts: Foley Square Rally to End Corporate Personhood”; OWSJ29: “Murder By SpreadSheet; Health Care for the 99%”; OWS M28 “The Trap of Violence” and others.
Liza Béar is a New York-based writer, filmmaker and media activist. After arriving in New York in 1968, she cofounded the avant-garde artists’ magazine Avalanche 1970-1976 with Willoughby Sharp and was a co-producer of Communications Update, a public access artists’ tv show that also dealt with information politics. Her films have been shown at The Museum of Modern Art, the Edinburgh Film Festival, the Sao Paulo Biennial, and most recently at Torpedo Kunsthalle, Oslo, Macka Art Gallery, Istanbul and the ICA London. She is the author of “Beyond the Frame: Dialogues with World Filmmakers” (Praeger, 2007). Learn more at and
By nothingofficial [Liza Bear] on Mar 21, 2012
New York City, March 21--This afternoon, in yet another crackdown on peaceful assembly in Union Square, the PEP (Parks Enforcement Personnel, who answer to the Parks Dept), backed up by a raft of NYPD officers, remove cardboard signs from the sidewalk and, according to several protesters, throw them into a dumpster on wheels. NB The New York Historical Museum won't be able to archive these as they did the signs from Zuccotti. This is after protesters have been told that the sidewalk or the south plaza are not subject to the same regulations as the interior of the park. {A fashion designer, however, develops an ingenious counteroffensive). Union Square, which has a long history of protest, rallies and peaceful assemblies, has been home base for many OWS activists since the night of March 17, when protesters were forcibly removed from Liberty Square, an use of force which resulted in several documented injuries and at least 73 arrests. Filmed by Squaring Off. Okay to repost this video in its entirety; press inquiries for excerpts, please contact me via You Tube. PS this was shot with a Canon Powershot A640 as the Sony HC90 I've been using for 5 years is in the repair shop--again. That means: camera repair expenses!!! If you've been watching this channel and would like to help cover those expenses, OR HAVE A SPARE, MORE MODERN CAMERA, please contact me via YouTube also. Thank you.
Uploaded by nothingofficial on Jan 21, 2012
New York City, January 20
On the occasion of the two year anniversary of the historic Citizens United v Federal Election Commission, in which a Supreme Court treated granted a corporation First Amendment rights, a high-energy rally was held at Foley Square. Among the excellent roster of speakers, Virginia Rasmussen, a member of POCLAD, offered a rare historical analysis of case law involving corporte personhood which dates back to the early 19th century. POCLAD or Program for Corporations, Law and Democracy is an activist collective that has focussed on the issue of corporate personhood for several years.
From Liza Bear:
New York, September 17 --the Global Revolution comes to New York in Zuccotti Square in a rally/general assembly to protest corporate greed at the expense of human need.
Here's some OWS street theatre
of the absurd to start off the New Year,
which I trust will be an excellent one
for you.Feliz Año Nuevo
Liza Béar
aka Squaring Off