
The Occupy with Art blog provides updates on projects in progress, opinion articles about art-related issues and OWS, useful tools built by artists for the movement, new features on the website, and requests for assistance. To submit a post, contact us at occupationalartschool(at)gmail(dot)com .

Entries in novads (7)


OASN1@BH Week 2 Review

[Novadic transmission from A, September 1, 2012]:



this morning i received a sweet letter from a NYC occupier which raises important questions for the struggle. riding on its wave, would like to discuss a bit the Body-Without-Organs (BwO) notion and the hot possibility of mathematically modeling the movement through non-linearity.  

occupier letter.

"The key is in learning to embrace contradiction. It's the only way we can grow. Radical + reformist. Masculine + feminine. Rejecting the system + using the system to implode itself. Outreach + Inreach. The list is endless. I know it's personal for me, but I feel so strongly that if we blow up the binary, everything becomes so much more POSSIBLE. It's a pretty obvious thing that these divisions are created to keep us submissive. What do we do once we dissolve these imaginary lines?"

this brings us to the exploration-experimentation that our collective has been conducting in the movement so far, namely with the use -and abuse, why not?- of pluripotential spaces. these zones are effectively TAZs elicited by organizers, whom "code" a given space with the right inscription (rules) and then present the instructions to the players; through this rune-like operator, trained organizers can optimize the emergence of flow (optimal experience) at any given loci, outdoor or indoor. the consequences are endless. 


time suspension.                    

~ "When you will have made him a body without organs,

then you will have delivered him from all his automatic reactions

and restored him to his true freedom." ~ 

                         A. Artaud (1947) 

Fibonaci Arena (FA) is any given space coded with instructions that elicit flow (e.g. Salon, Magic Mountain). FAs are intentionally unintentional vortexes, a spiral-eliciting accident, which draws its theoretical basis on anarchy and the notion of BwO that Deleuze & Guattari introduce in their collaborative work. in those instances where play is elicited time is abolished. 

play is flow & flow is play

"what is your name?" dialogues.

(...) existence means exposition to and adaptation of a full range of given norms, structures and boundaries (...)

(...) this does not lead to a loss of personality but to a construction of an artificial one: already before we are born we are categorized based on our genitals, which decide what kind of name is going to be imposed on us, Susan or Tom (...) 

(...) a stratification of our bodies, which is created through the hierarchical order of society (...) Thousand Plateaus (...) continuous power relations amongst members of society (...) power where those at the top oppress the others 


in illo tempore ~ "in that time" ,  or "once upon a time".

in order to break binaries, and thus promote a revolution in the logical framework that guides -- and ensnares -- Western thought it is suggested: 

(1) that instead of "breaking" boundaries, revolutionaries seek to "dissolve" them by eliciting phase transitions :: from solid to liquid :: liquid time, flow :: ~ this method of engaging Empire discussed by OccupySunTzu acts on the links, on the spaces in between.

(2) this phase transition may be elicited through flash ~ liberations, i.e. collective processes of emancipation in public streets & squares :: similar to ancient tribal hierophanies :: regression to the undifferentiated state of BwO :: 

(3) dissemination of Fibonaci Arenas. 

the resulting kaleidoscopes are #novad-like supernovas. 

occupyMathematics ~ "and they say you always hated math (...)"

to start thinking about how to mathematically model the movement, at this point of maturity and beyond, is probably the last thing that Empire wants us to do. from here on lies the suggestion that we OccupyMathematics. 

check out mathematical approaches to model complex emergent behavior (eg, central nervous system;; ant colony;; traffic jams ;;) and these links with tricks from the trickster: 

Sent from my soul

Mapping the voyage of the Hippo.
The dynamics that manifest as revelations in the material zone or phase only comprise a small fraction of the dynamics in play. Most of the dimensional arena is active with immaterial transpects demonstrating what can be described as multiplicity, resistant to epistemology or the recursive. The key for the lead artist is to encourage or facilitate the transiting of evidence, of life, through the spatial layers we designate as free and open to our pluripotential phenomena. 
In OAS we discovered in Week 2, for example, that a course need not exist to exist in substantiated iterations. We found, additionally, that timing can pronounce the extended, even epic, duration of a 4D artistic project, given a dedicated locus + chronos, as long as the witness(es) and presenter(s) share the space with a focal media array, including networked electronics attached to the web and database. As such, the spectacle is only activated by a combination of hard-, soft- + wetware [LOL], in the actual stage, with the virtual as both accompaniment and archive. In relation to experience, the transmission is conducted in a flux of casual and formal micro-environments. The environment has a time feature, and it is easily translated as "a moment" itself, although such a designation is incomplete. 
The technical evaluation of the phenomena is hardly encompassing of the experience. 
Another interesting anecdote involves the act of preparation for the transmission. Is such activity not also an invitation, or a calling? What if the calling IS the event? 
Super Lucky Cat reappears to connect OASN1 & AFHGC.
1. Lead artist wears a "red dirt" shirt from Kauai, to initiate a discussion of source material for artistic, organic staining processes.
2. Today's business section of the NY Times is provided as a substrate, but also as an acknowledgment of timeliness, and other relevant considerations affecting (or not) the artistic enterprise. The subject of materials is expanded to include "non-artist" materials.
3. The lead artist displays a large set of many types of painting tools, mostly brushes. Students are encouraged to choose several for painting with the coffee. The brushes serve as the point of origin for a conversation about the "life" of the artist's tool, and/or the partnership between the artist and the tool + the history of making that may be thought of as embedded in the tool through usage and application. [Introduction to Techne, time, craft traditions... (+)]
4. Many types of papers are introduced. Experiments on viability as substrate for medium, "pigment" and expressive means.
5. An array of large format (mostly floral) photographs are mounted around the classroom. We will paint on the museum board cut into window mattes, enclosing the photos. Many considerations. One of the photos (a rose) is displayed on a nice Italian easel at the door.
6. "Final" exercise will be to paint on very fragile light paper (multi-hued), which will buckle and otherwise dramatically respond to the coffee-paint. 
7. Discussion about artists who use coffee as an important part of their exhibition practice (like Sara Sun, who has a show going currently at Governor's Island Art Fair - thanks for the heads-up Andrea; and Jayson Musson + Manning Williams). Discussion about coffee growing (political/economy). 
Clemens Poole + Shane Kennedy & other Hippo crew members talk story to a full Haus, Friday, August 31 at OASN1.
OASN1 reached an important marker with the "Voyage of the Hippo" program on Friday, August 31. The evening presentation, which consisted of a fantastic, compelling slideshow/movie sequence + Q&A + commentaries facilitated by Clemens Poole and long-time AFH anchor Shane Kennedy, realized our vision of how our "class" format would work in practice. At the conclusion of the talk, many of us walked to Tandem, a few blocks down Troutman in Bushwick, to continue the vibrant concourse over libations. 
Interior shot of Pickthorn in Bushwick.
We continue to make friends in the neighborhood, like Jayson Musson, AKA Hennessy Youngman and the amazing ladies of Pickthorn. We are also beginning to establish strategic partnerships. OASN1 is now sponsored by both Wyckoff Starr and the vaunted Brooklyn Rail. JenJoy Roybal is already proving invaluable, as she begins the process of scanning the domain for artist-teachers and relevant organizational/mission comparisons to/for our enterprise. She sent Chris & I links that reveal possibilities neither of us had entertained prior. JenJoy is gifted with big vision. 
The discourse that is percolating in the novad pool is providing us with tremendous inspiration and seed-thought, moving forward. Coming in multiple forms (poems, images, sounds, movies, links, texts, notations, forwarded correspondence, system schematics, references, citations, equations, juxtapositions... [+]) the novadic inputs are fueling some OAS movements, refining threads, introducing new seams, expanding horizons, shifting PoVs & frames of reference [+]. Thank you, gamers!
The occupationalartschool [dot] com nexus is weekly undergoing facelifts, as we assess the proper format for that organ. For now, the preponderance of notices and documentation is being sited on the OAS Tumblr and in the OwA/OAS Facebook pages. The OAS Twitter, Pinterest and other social media are functional but rudimentary in our usage of them for a bit longer. The question at this point is whether to invent an entirely new framework for the virtual / actual interplay. 
Finally, the ripple effect from DisciplineAriel [Event 1, August 25, 2012] has only begun to evidence itself in our secondary co-lab phase. Stay tuned.


Novadic Mandalas

By Angela Grace [novad]



Novadic Transmissions [09.2012]


[From OASN1 embodied spirit, Ambrose Curry: artist, surf guru + poet]

[Part 1][Progression]

You mean this?

when is a participle hanging,...?

when there is wall space .
when is a participle dangling...,?
whenever ee cummings 
says So... Ho.
never met
 the man.
altho I have been
Ambrose's shop.





i went out in the yard

and turned on the

prosthetic device...


and now having survived

 building a fire

at the blue campfire,


who builds a fire at

10:30 am,I will now                                              

set to sweating in

the tropical summer heat.


what would Gauguin do?

he certainly wouldn't have to

 look up the spelling of his name

yet he wouldn't have such a fine

prosthetic memory.

Yes he would probaly pop a bottle

of absenthe to forget how to spell

his name to free his creative mind

from worries of the world.




and then I found this movie!


Ambrose's movie set.


[From novadic poet & transpershamaformist Richard Machado]

Commons like rivers are hands of love, 
flow transient in the dance of new comrades

Badasses, rads and wholly new beings
emerge from the sensations of home

Amazing tchru native with a living death abated
Now has the rest of the infiniTime Nov-A-d'd

The Colonized Indigenous


[From Alexandre Carvalho, occupier of both Borges + Cervantes Chairs @OASN1]

Alex at his Liberty Square birthday / bon voyage novadic festival.



Have been wondering a lot about how we can start a whole new civilization.  Imagine if we started a WikiPedia entry of a mysterious people know as Rovers >>> they have a whole different Architecture, Art, (A)narchives, Ethos, Libraries, Political Frameworks, Direct Actions e.g. Rio+20 "They Don't Represent Us", Housing experiments (Magic Mountain); some crazy shit. good shit. following the flow;;; 

Eliade mentions a concept called "in ilo tempore", a mythological time for humanity where space was relative and time absolute. absent. when archetypes enacted the creation of the cosmos. The anarchical Communa:: an arquipelago-constellation of communes founded on the principles of trust, proximity and solidarity:: interdependent, autonomous and interlinked, they form a fluid network of communes:: the Communa is never static // hence the name communa mobilis. never stops asking questions or changing, acquiring history, becoming... and then it wakes up Communa Fluens:: the Sunflower of the Garden:: 

let's #playtogether with what Luis Borges suggests. Borges  was the author of "Labyrinths", a book that collects many of his short fantastic lit stories. in one of them called Tlon, Uqbar & Orbius Tertiurus, Borges have his two characters in pursuit of a disquieting truth: they must discover if this legendary place called Tlon exists or is a bad joke of a bibliotec prankster. the characters find a strange yellowish copy of a 1907 Encyclopedia Brittanica which contais this weird article about Tlon: it contains its demographics, art, architecture, music, language, history, political configuration, religion, juris, its schools (OAS, e.g.), ethical beliefs, games played, publications (Novad zine) etc etc etc. 

describing Tlon could be an elegant literary license to unleash our best radical dreams publicly; to ooze #poiesis revgamers.   

Tlon - wikipedia. crazy experiment. let me know what you think.

Me and Rafa started writing what the Rovers would probably have economically and in politik. Nicole could do geometry by hoola hooping her spirals?, mitch pour architecture/urbanist rad ideas? #jez3prez, the Anarchives a way rovers write history? 








[From anarchivist, dimensional filmmaker + metatronic mechanic, Bold Jez]:


<draft> The state of nature as a state of play

There is no pure "state of nature"... except for, perhaps, in the invitation to play.  The invitation to play is an opportunity to re-invent the World, not necessarily in its entirety, but certainly some important aspects of its specificity: in its Object(s), Purpose(s) or Rules. These aspects represent the magic circle of Play, the state of a game, and a world that is open to all agents, infinitely beyond and underneath the boundaries of the State.

When Hobbes postulates that prior to the invention of Sovereigns & States existed a natural "state of war," he is inviting us to consider the world in terms of a particular political game. This game is based in fear, power, and security; and for those of us well-educated in the history of Western states, this portrayal of politics should not seem so very strange. (This version of politics, well illustrated in Shakespeare's royal courts, could have informed Hobbes of this well if he did not learn it from his birth; born prematurely when his mother heard of the approach of the Spanish Armada, he remarked that he was born "a twin with fear."

What **IS** strange to us is the possibility of a *return* to anarchy as it were: we feel discomfort at the mere suggestion of returning to nature, the uncertainty of a world w/o governors, the insecurity of our responsibility for maintaining the environment we live in.



#A18: Novadic Transmission [Bold Jez]

Photo by Paul Talbot[From Jez]:

Fragments of a thought as it passed thru my brain:

...each Novad is an irreducible radicand under consideration and considered at its root a monad-like or atomic metaphysical entity.  If we drive for something deeper, we find more of the same: the identity-being. 

...the Novad root is not true of all avenues, or at least does not seem to be, for in the course of life one can ride ferries to new ideas, pass thru secret passageways between thought, and feel hopelessly lost in endless mazes.  The Novad has within itself an unidentifiable root, like an imaginary number, attached or embedded to make it a less-than-perfected ideal.


Novadic Song in 7+ Parts

Dearly beloved,

Please find attached this novadic song for voice, guitar, subway train, whistle, siren, drunk girls, wind, silence, etc. Free to download here; encouraged to play in any order:

This was recorded from 2:30-3:40am on a pocket-sized hotness while finding my way from a shabbat dinner in Queens to a hot couch in Harlem, using a borrowed guitar, stealing melodies from singers I love (e.g. Calamity & the Owl) and words from the subway walls (do not pull the emergency cord, Emergency Workers...).

Excerpted Lyrics:
Wacky guitar...wacky guitar...oh no...oh no ooOOooOOooooo...and I wonder why the song is outside...We've got nothing left to do but play music on an empty subway platform...and o wonder why, the rails are electrified, why the floors all have their lights on (2x)...inside our minds, inside the heart, inside the hope of being One...and don't you wonder why the stars all healed inside, its not like were the last ones to consider the rain upon the sun...A Pyramid of muskets; a Teepee of guns...And don't you wonder why the lights are left on all night long...[whistles like clock chimes finding their own time]...and I wonder why, and I wonder why, and I wonder why, this song is outside. Ohhhhhhh ohhhh ooOOOooooooOOoo...

[Animation by Paul McLean, generated by Zen circles and compressed, digitized and/or dimensional simulations thereof... for OAS Node #1]


Occupy with Art, Bat Haus and the Occupational Art School are pleased to announce that Jeremy Bold will be kicking off our Bushwick program at OAS Node #1 in August (details TBA soon).


What Is the "Soul of Occupy?" [Draft/BETA][Pt.1]

[Photos of Magic Mountain & Novad actions courtesy Jez Bold]

What Is the "Soul of Occupy?" [Draft/BETA]
By Paul McLean

Now, I have said that the community by means of organisation of machinery will supply the useful things, and that the beautiful things will be made by the individual.  This is not merely necessary, but it is the only possible way by which we can get either the one or the other.  An individual who has to make things for the use of others, and with reference to their wants and their wishes, does not work with interest, and consequently cannot put into his work what is best in him.  Upon the other hand, whenever a community or a powerful section of a community, or a government of any kind, attempts to dictate to the artist what he is to do, Art either entirely vanishes, or becomes stereotyped, or degenerates into a low and ignoble form of craft.  A work of art is the unique result of a unique temperament.  Its beauty comes from the fact that the author is what he is.  It has nothing to do with the fact that other people want what they want.  Indeed, the moment that an artist takes notice of what other people want, and tries to supply the demand, he ceases to be an artist, and becomes a dull or an amusing craftsman, an honest or a dishonest tradesman.  He has no further claim to be considered as an artist.  Art is the most intense mode of Individualism that the world has known.  I am inclined to say that it is the only real mode of Individualism that the world has known.  Crime, which, under certain conditions, may seem to have created Individualism, must take cognisance of other people and interfere with them.  It belongs to the sphere of action.  But alone, without any reference to his neighbours, without any interference, the artist can fashion a beautiful thing; and if he does not do it solely for his own pleasure, he is not an artist at all. - Oscar Wilde, "The Soul of Man"

As a matter of fact, setting aside strictly academic art, artists never fall entirely prey to aesthetic co-optation. Though they may abdicate their immediate experience for the sake of beautiful appearances, all artists (and anyone who tries to live is an artist) are driven by the desire to increase their tribute of dreams to the objective world of others. In this sense they entrust the thing they create with the mission of completing their personal fulfilment within their social group. And in this sense creativity is revolutionary in its essence. - from "The Revolution Of Everyday Life" by Raoul Vaneigem (a new translation from the French by Donald Nicholson-Smith, The Brooklyn Rail, March 2012

It is the "fact" of the physicality of artworks, their necessary existence as objects with their apparent constancy, that in fact highlights the "inconstant," volatile, and transformative event at the core of art. - Krzysztof Ziarek, The Force of Art


What is the Soul of Occupy?

Adbusters, the Canadian anti-Capitalist magazine that by accounts issued the call for action which sparked the Occupy Wall Street movement in September of 2011, on April 12th 2012 [1] released another provocative proclamation on its blog,* titled "Battle for the Soul of Occupy." The text was illustrated with a black, red and white banner graphic depicting the ubiquitous Occupy clenched fist and the text "#DEFENDOCCUPY." The call-to-arms was issued by Culture Jammers HQ and encouraged Occupiers to "Jump, jump, jump over the dead body of the old left!" and warned of co-optation of the movement by MoveOn, The Nation magazine and ice cream producers Ben & Jerry, whose influence threatened, in Adbuster's estimate, to "turn our struggle into a '99% Spring' reelection campaign for President Obama."

I don't know about you, reader, but Adbusters' situating Ben & Jerry in a "cabal of old world thinkers who have blunted the possibility of revolution for decades" seems to me a stretch, and certainly doesn't incite any Robespierresque post-Occupy-revolutionary fervor. I sat next to Ben of Ben & Jerry at an organizational meeting for Mark Read's Illuminator, which B & J's ice cream fortune helped bankroll, and Ben Cohen in my view is not a blunter of revolution. He's a food businessman made good, retired, with cash in the bank, who's making an effort to support Occupy strategically, not steal its "Soul." If anything, the conundrum posed to such individuals who are sympathetic to the movement by the movement's schizophrenic response to efforts by "outsiders" to align with OWS is worth examining. [2, 3]

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"Games, Art & Revolution"