A Message from Dallas

Subject: Occupy Dallas Culture - Culture Committee - Creative Factory Occupy Dallas
Hello, my name is Goran Maric.
I am an artist, creative cultural producer, and am a member of Cultural Committee and Outreach committee at OccupyDallas.org
Creative Factory Occupy Dallas
Occupy Culture
Well, ever since the beginning of Occupy Wall Street, I and few other creative souls have been deeply moved by your organizational capabilities to get artists and other creative cultural producers engaged with Occupy movement. And not just that, but your ability to present it in a quite intelligent and organized manner is what I find extremely appealing.
Here, in Dallas, TX, we, creative cultural producers and visionaries are working hard to get our creative brothers and sisters organized, so that all of us, 99%, together, can utilize our creative potentials for the advancement of our causes, while at the same time work on cultural enrichment of people directly involved at the site of OccupyDallas, as well as of people in the city of Dallas.
We, creative cultural producers and visionaries at Cultural Committee of OccupyDallas believe that the creativity of people involved in these Occupy movements is what has made these movements thrives in the face of all obstacles that are coming toward us on a daily basis.
Also in cultural production, it is the creativity, we believe, that makes works of art excited and ultimately successful. In this analogy we believe that, ultimately, Occupy Movements throughout the world are the best works of art that are out there, and the people involved are the best artists for that matter, for it is people's, 99ers', creativity that makes these movements strive.
For that reason Cultural Committee created Creative Factory Occupy Dallas, an output of creative cultural producers, for we, creative cultural producers and visionaries, from Cultural Committee at OccupyDallas believe that each and every person is a creative factory whose output, the product has contributed to the ongoing struggle we, the 99%, are engaged in on a daily basis.
We hope an truly looking forward to further interaction with Occupennial.
For now our big Solidarity with Occupy Wall Street that is going on hand in hand with its creative cultural producers...