OWS Painting by Andres Garcia-Pena

The Occupy with Art blog provides updates on projects in progress, opinion articles about art-related issues and OWS, useful tools built by artists for the movement, new features on the website, and requests for assistance. To submit a post, contact us at occupationalartschool(at)gmail(dot)com .
“Looking Down on Social Injustice” 60 x 40 inches, oil on canvas 2012
[From Michelle Rogers]:
Hi Paul
I'm a big fan of what you guys are doing, it is so incredibly inspirational. Over the last few months I have being doing this series of paintings about Occupy and the Arab spring. I live in Italy and have brought this work over to NY. I'm sending you some info about the show which opens Thursday at 516 w 25th St. Here is link to my street art project outside wall st stock exchange in 2010 protesting this crazy system:Really hope you can make the show!All the best,Michelle
Anonymous Heroes/ United Spirit: Occupy and the Arab Spring
Opening March 8th -16th New York City:
Ten new paintings by artist Michelle Rogers showing a world in change—an artist’s celebration of the anonymous heroes of Occupy Wall Street and the Arab Spring. Two years after her poster project portraying stock traders in distress (article here) over the global economic meltdown they had created was placed outside the Stock Exchange on Wall Street, Rogers has returned to the theme of social unrest for her latest work.“We are living in exciting times with the Occupy movement and the Arab Spring. I want to convey in my artwork the energy, tension, hope and collective/personal courage that I find so captivating and humbling. We are witnessing an unstoppable, insuppressible desire for change in the world. Occupy is important because it underscores the deep injustices in our society and challenges everyone to envisage a new future. It is this revolutionary spirit and the unsung ordinary heroes that I want to pay homage to in my paintings about Occupy and the Arab Spring.”
Hi all,
I have begun a kickstarter campaign to make a large (at least
48″ by 72″) painting of Liberty Plaza pre eviction. It will be set
around mid October, when all the working groups were in full swing and
the infrastructure was at its peak. I will be doing this in A&C common
space that we are establishing. I also will be depending on input,
ideas and criticism from all of you to make it the best possible
painting it can be. I have only got a few backers so far, but this may
be because I have no idea how to really publicize it. I put it on my
facebook page and will re post it there. I could use OWS help though.
If anyone else would mind re posting this for me, or if you can make a
donation, I would sure appreciate it. I know times are tough though.
If they weren’t so tough I wouldn’t even need to do this, I would be
able to buy the supplies and reproduce the prints myself.
Thank you,