Occupy Yourself

Occupy Yourself… We are living Installations
The Movie
Michael Alan
In solidarity with the occupation of Liberty Square
AT Judson Church entrance
55 Washington Square South
Saturday, November 19th, 7pm till 10pmish
a film about change, the limits of freedom, and an attack on fear. Working with the human body, metamorphosing into a living breathing installation that demonstrates we can withstand anything put onto us. Through intricate connections and juxtapositions in the guise of random chaos, these living installations transcend the injustices of the material world by employing these same materials upside down. We are more than property. We are more than buildings. We are part of Life. Living, breathing potential fire. With the ability to do anything. This is about people, not about businesses, faceless corporations or technology.
Through the simplest materials mixed and smashed, masks, multiple textures, stolen objects, and cut-up drawings rearranged artist Michael Alan adds on to his team of friends, and family. These fearless art activists armed, activated Glue-sprayed flesh joins together, splattered to combine into one boundless, self-aware living work of awarness. This artistic expression is in direct response to the confusing, uncertain and downtrodden world we all seem to experience. Occupy Yourself is a call to all individuals to become aware that limits are self-imposed and can be changed by going beyond barriers, thinking outside what you what should do, and joining together to overcome our imagined adversaries.
OccupyYourself the movie will project on the Church entrance of Judson, were the political asylum is being held for the occupiers. Project it onto the entrance, then repeat and project many times, giving positive messages throughout the night to whoever shows. Everyone is asked to meet at 7pm at entrance of the church for a night of peace, and positive celebration of life.
Michael Alan, Garry Boake, in solidarity with the Occupation of Liberty Square invite you for a night of Old time projection, awareness, and fun.This is a peace full action symbolizing Freedom and a pause in time, a new start, The entrance of the church represents a new beginning. OccupyYourself, Live Now, lets all get activated. Projection on the streets is a way to speak to the world around you.
Cast and crew: Garry Boake, Dave Modello, Theresa Magario ™, Michael Alan
Steev Perez, Raquel Mavecq, Kim De'ville, Kenny Scharf, Worm Carnevale, Teddi Rogers, Raquel Echanique, Dylan Morgan, Dave1,
Jarvis Jun Earnshaw, Emil BN, George Marango, Nick Greenwald, Ana Andrade, Julie Turner and many more