Yoko Ono brings her project Wish Tree to Occupy Wall Street.

A short press conference will be held at Zuccotti park in Lower Manhattan on Saturday, January 14, 2011 at 1PM. Members of the OWS Arts & Culture & Occupy With Art groups will be distributing copies of an artwork that Ms. Ono created specially for OWS, and will be available to answer questions about to the project.
Ono’s participatory project Wish Tree originated in 1996. It has since been re-imagined in various locations around the world, where people have been invited to write their personal wishes for peace and tie them to a tree branch.
In accordance with the raid of Zuccotti Park, and its subsequent closure, and the ubiquitous nature of the Occupy movement, Ono has broadened the project. So now instead of literally placing wishes in the trees, she has made a postcard edition of 10,000 with written instructions to be distributed nationally by Occupy Wall Street groups.
As a movement sparked by imagination, Wish Tree for Zuccotti Park encourages a continued re-imagination of OWS and the world we live in.
Make a wish to any tree, in any occupation.
About the Wish Tree project:
In Ono’s words (from http://imaginepeacetower.com):
“As a child in Japan, I used to go to a temple and write out a wish on a piece of thin paper and tie it around the branch of a tree. Trees in temple courtyards were always filled with people’s wish knots, which looked like white flowers blossoming from afar.
All My Works are a Form of Wishing."
Wishes can also be sent directly to Ono’s website and will be kept private. Ono assembles the wishes into another artwork, Imagine Peace Tower, based in Iceland.
Where: Zuccotti Park, Lower Manhattan – Broadway and Liberty Street
When: Sat. Jan. 14, 2012 1:00pm
Info: Project website: http://imaginepeacetower.com/yoko-onos-wish-trees
Twitter ID: #IPTower
OWS Occupy With Art group: http://www.occupywithart.com/
Chris Cobb – occupypublishing@yahoo.com
Yaelle - contact@yaelleamir.com