The Occupy with Art blog provides updates on projects in progress, opinion articles about art-related issues and OWS, useful tools built by artists for the movement, new features on the website, and requests for assistance. To submit a post, contact us at occupationalartschool(at)gmail(dot)com .
SPATIAL OCCUPATION @ hyperallergic
Round 2/Session 3 [Screenings+]
7PM Tuesday
181 N. 11th Street [Williamsburg/BK/NYC]
RSVP: ows-arts-and-culture-spaces@googlegroups.com
@ Judson Memorial Assembly Hall
Sunday Feb 5, 5-7pm
On its surface, it appears to be an impossible task: to document the activities of a major social movement as it is happening. And yet this has been the monumental task undertaken by the Occupy Wall Street Archives Working Group (OWS Archives WG), a collection of archivally-interested individuals who have established a sizeable collection of signs, flyers, interviews, oral histories, and artifacts ever since the infancy the occupation at Liberty Plaza (formerly known as Zuccotti Park). And, as you might expect, the OWS Archives working group have encountered this important question of the ultimate vision for an archive of Occupy Wall Street.
The OWS Archives Working Group is seeking input from people throughout the Occupy movement and the broader community of archivists & collectors on how to move forward with the management of the OWS Archives. In a public forum at Judson Memorial Assembly Hall , we intend to offer a presentation on the status of the Archives of Occupy Wall Street and host a discussion on visions for the future of the collection. We highly encourage anyone with an interest in archives and the developing history of the Occupy movement to attend for an exciting and urgent discussion.
Please RSVP to archive@nycga.net