Flamenco for Justice

Flamenco flashmob by flo6x8 inside a bank in Sevilla Spain to protest against the finacial system.

The Occupy with Art blog provides updates on projects in progress, opinion articles about art-related issues and OWS, useful tools built by artists for the movement, new features on the website, and requests for assistance. To submit a post, contact us at occupationalartschool(at)gmail(dot)com .
Flamenco flashmob by flo6x8 inside a bank in Sevilla Spain to protest against the finacial system.
[From the Aaron Burr Society]:
Diana Taylor is back. The girlfriend of Mayor Bloomberg sits on the board of directors of Sothey’s Auction House [1], Brookfield Properties’ Zuccotti Park [2] and the Hudson River Park Trust [3]. This trifecta of interlocking boards will be partying at the annual meeting of the Hudson River Park Trust. Please join Occupy Museums and Sotheby’s Teamsters Professional Art Handlers who will be protesting this event.