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Entries in protests (2)



Grindcore Violinist protests 1st amendment violations at Lincoln Center

On December 3, 2011, I was again removed from the city-owned plaza of Lincoln Center for holding a sign, two days after a general assembly including Philip Glass, Lou Reed, and Laurie Anderson came to celebrate Glass's opera about nonviolence, "Satyagraha" only to find the plaza entirely barricaded and inaccessible.

As is the case in most "public-private" situations, the private security wanted more.  They wanted me off the city sidewalk which was not their jurisdiction.  Thanks to one real NYPD officer who chose not to order me off the sidewalk (the old, "blocking the wide-open sidewalk" trick), I was able to finish my set and address the crowd.




"Bloomberg rep" fired from market research firm for performance highlighting absent mayor's violent tactics...

An actress who played a Bloomberg representative in a satirical performance a block away from the mayor's E. 79th St. residence this past Sunday was fired from her job as an independent contractor at a market research consulting firm.

"They said my performance had put the company in an uncomfortable position," said Mary Notari, who learned of her firing from a phone call Monday afternoon. "The mayor has said ‘No right is absolute’—including, apparently, the right to poke fun at him for using violent force against his own people and for bending the law to do so.”

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