BETA Statement for Review: On the AS/TAS Intervention at 38 Greene St.

We of #OWS Arts and Culture working group are dedicated to the use of non-violent action to express our Constitutionally-assured right to peaceably assemble for the redress of grievances. #OWS Arts and Culture seeks to develop strong community relations with those who also care about the future of the 99%. That community includes arts organizations with long histories of 99%-supporting activities, like those practiced by Artists Space. The individuals who intervened there this weekend acted autonomously, with no connection to, support from, or consensus with #OWS.
NOTE: The above statement is in a BETA version until tomorrow's meeting of the NYCGA Arts and Culture Working Group Meeting (6PM at 60 Wall Street). We invite all to contribute input or feedback for this statement in the COMMENTS field below. Your responses will be added as addenda to the final document arrived at through consensus in the group. This statement was developed through an online discussion thread on the Arts and Culture Google Group, which is organized as a transparent, open membership. Eleven people contributed to the statement's formation over the course of several dozen emails, before the statement's posting for group consideration on the Occupennial Blog here, in advance of full discussion at the meeting tomorrow (October 24).