Report-back on Saturday's [#J14] Yoko Ono/OWS Wish Tree Gathering at Liberty Square

Photo: Sam Levin
- Village Voice: "Yoko Ono (Not Present) Promotes Peace at Zuccotti, Occupiers Proceed to Drop 'Dead'" by Sam Levin
- Flavorwire: "Yoko Ono Brings Her ‘Wish Tree’ Project to Occupy Wall Street" by Caroline Stanley
- Big Think: "How Yoko Ono Is Still Giving Peace a Chance" by Bob Duggan
[Morgan's Report]:
I thought today was really rather wonderful and wanted to send appreciation to everyone who was there…it started to feel like a community again.
Occupy Yoga was terrific (and kept us warm), the Occuponics rocked (thanks all!), it was nice to get some [Yoko Ono] postcards to send to people and be part of the Wish Tree (great to be there in tandem with that group [Occupy with Art]!) there were some testimonials from occupiers, what I thought was a really interesting sketch for a “stepping stone to the future” choreographic/interactive/installation project, the die-in was kinda awesome, and I hope there were poets – I had to leave with a student and couldn’t stay the whole time so was sad to miss the poetry compost I hope did happen. And I heard Kitchen had some yummy chicken. Whom/what did I leave out?
Please let me know what else was going on – and would love to hear thoughts and suggestions for more events.
We are still hoping that performative things can happen from noon to two during the week for the lunch time crowd – maybe focused on supporting outreach? And still longing for the return of the People Staged! Fateh is saying they might try to do Occupy Yoga on the weekends (weather permitting) so please let OccupyCurveball (Re-Occupy with Culture&Ideas) know any ideas you might have.
There is really room for many many things that can serve a lot of needs here.
Our focus is now switching to supporting the events for MLK/Occupy the Dream and J17 Occupy Congress…but let’s talk about what can happen next week!