What Is the "Soul of Occupy?" [Draft/BETA][Pt.2]

By Paul McLean
MEPHISTOPHOLES: Now we are already again at the end of our wits, where the understanding of you men runs wild. Why didst thou enter into fellowship with us, if thou canst not carry it out? Wilt fly, and art not secure against dizziness? Did we thrust ourselves upon thee. or thou thyself upon us?
FAUST: Gnash not thus thy devouring teeth at me! It fills me with horrible disgust. Mighty, glorious Spirit, who hast vouchsafed to me Thine apparition, who knowest my heart and soul, why fetter me to the felon-comrade, who feeds on mischief and gluts himself with ruin? - FAUST, A Tragedy, by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The protesters should beware not only of enemies, but also of false friends who pretend to support them, but are already working hard to dilute the protest. - "Occupy Wall Street: What Is To Be Done... Next?" by Slavoj Žižek
Žižek, "The Elvis of Cultural Theory," has again weighed in on Occupy, now, and Adbusters celebrates, perceiving the text as a ratification of its alarms. May Day protests are fast approaching, and the mustering of forces against Occupy's foes is in full bloom. I'm really looking forward to the Guitarmy, myself. Who knows what will happen? The organizational problem seems to be defining who are the opposition, and the overarching question is who will answer the call for a general strike. The whole set-up smacks of Faust. The flaws in the stances of both Adbusters and Žižek typify the old Left that both the magazine and the colorful thinker fear.