Protesters were not given permits to protest at Wall Street forcing them blocks from the New York Stock Exchange [NYSE] to the Zuccotti Park. Wall Street was barricaded off. Only part of the sidewalk was accessible to the public and there is a constant police presence around both the protesters and the NYSE at all times.
#arOCCUPYWALLSTREET takes the protest to the heart of the financial district, placing them directly in front of the NYSE. Augments now blanket the entire financial district.
Augmented reality gives protesters a global voice. The protest has spread to the White House lawn!
You can join the cause too! Details on how to do so can be found here.
For more documentation of the project visit the website: http://aroccupywallstreet.wordpress.com
#arOCCUPYWALLSTREET is organized by Mark Skwarek.

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