The Box Project

The Box Project by Abbigael Beddall
In early 2009 Abbigael Beddall began the production of 1000 handmade boxes using unique scraps of paper from a variety of sources. Now -- having tagged, priced, numbered, signed, and fully documented the works – they are ready for free distribution in exchange of a signature in her catalogue. (Much like a receipt or petition.)
Beddall will distribute the boxes, valued at $2,178,508,724 combined, to individuals at the Occupy Wall Street site on October 15, 2011 from 12noon to 2:00pm. The artist sees the project as her contribution to the economy as those accepting the boxes will see their individual assets increase accordingly.
The boxes help "stimulate the economy while highlighting our failed systems of value,” says Beddall. The performance scratches far beneath the surface, simultaneously mocking and creating economic exchange that flies in the face of those who have decided they are global decision makers.
The first 500 boxes will be distributed in New York City October 15, 2011 on Wall Street next to the bull's ass.
The last 500 boxes will be given away in Washington DC on October 22, 2011 at Freedom Plaza, Pennsylvania Ave. NW (between the Department of Treasury and U.S. Capitol).