
Entries in Liza Bear (3)


#J29: "Patients Before Profits!" Doctors, Nurses Stand with OWS 

Uploaded by on Jan 30, 2012

New York City, Jan. 29--"We stand with you, Occupy Wall Street, in your mission to make real human rights-- human rights to a decent standard of living, freedom from corporate domination, and a government which puts the needs of patients before profits." Mission statement spoken by a doctor from Physicians for National Health Care at a speak-out held under the Washington Square arch during Occupy The Square. See also Part 2 of this post. The Healthcare for the 99% working group holds meetings every Sunday, 4pm, at 60 Wall Street Atrium, for physicians, nurses and all advocates of a single-payer, universal health care system.


#j16: Occupy4Jobs: "Food Stamps Cut for Bureaucratic Reasons," Says Social Worker 

[From Liza Bear]:

New York, Jan. 16--Mic check: the Occupy4Jobs march takes off around Union Square. Michelle, community liaison for CB3 from Rosie Mendez' office, explains that many Lower East Side residents have been out of work since 2008; that new jobs, if any, are poorer paid and harder to keep; and that food stamps, even if all the rules are followed, are being cut for bureaucratic reasons." Contact her at Rosie Mendez' office.

Filmed by Squaring Off.



#j11/Squaring Off report from Liberty Sq. ...In anticipation of MLK actions #j15

New York, Jan 11--Finally, Mayor Bloomberg complies with the law and removes barricades from Zuccotti Park. Council member Jumaane Williams speaks out at a press conference to announce Sunday 's march in honor of Martin Luther King's birthday, starting from Zuccotti at 2pm and proceeding uptown to Cathedral of St John the Divine at 112th St and Broadway; at 6:30pm assemble on steps of the Cathedral; 7pm march to Riverside Church, 490 Riverside Drive' 8pm: vigil and performances and speak-outs by Patti Smith, Steve Earle, Russell Simmons and others. Meanwhile, the daily Think Tank plans a collaboration with Collective Arts Theatre; occupiers report back from New Hampshire and remember that, thanks to congressional obstructionism, Guantanamo remains open--for ever? Film and text by Squaring Off. # #J15 MLK March * Sun. Jan 15 - 2:00 PM * Liberty Plaza * Liberty Plaza

# #J15 Global Candlelight Vigil Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King * Sun. Jan 15 - 6:30 PM * Riverside Church *
o 6:30pm - Assemble at Cathedral St. John the Divine, 1047 Amsterdam Ave
o 7:00pm - Candlelight march to Riverside Church, 490 Riverside Drive (followed by vigil)
o 8:00pm - Speakers & performances at Riverside Church

# Occupy the Federal Reserve * Mon. Jan 16 - 10:00 AM * Federal Reserve Bank of New York * 33 Liberty - an MLK Day event

[LINK to Liza Bear's NOTHING OFFICIAL YouTube V-blog; the first three dozen or so postings (as of this writing) are OWS documentary videos]