Join students from SVA for ”I Win. You Lose.” - Dec 13, 2011

“I Win. You Lose.” A Call to Action by students from the School of Visual Arts. Participants needed to occupy every corner on Wall Street and deliver a message…. !
We are….
….shocked by the unabashed corruption and self-interest that runs rampant throughout corporate America.
….faced with a life-time of debt in the pursuit of an education.
…the 99%.
Energized by the ideals and actions of Occupy Wall Street, we want to make our message heard and let the 1% know we will not be ignored nor can our path be bypassed.
Occupy every corner of Wall Street and New York’s Financial District at lunch time participate in the action: “ I Win. You Lose. ”
Join us on Tuesday December 13, 2011.
Orientation meeting at 12:00 noon at Louise Nevelson Plaza Triangle (at the junction of Liberty St., Maiden Lane and William St.).
Action begins at 12:30.
For more information contact Kirby at: (twitter) | @kikibraga (ows) |
The action requires 2 participants who work in pairs. Each pair stands on a different corner of an intersection in the Financial District, and passes a piece of paper currency between them (currency note available at the orientation, or downloadable at beginning Thursday, December 8th). The first participant (X) passes the currency to the other (Z). As Z accepts the money, she/he says, “I win. You lose.” The recipient (Z) then passes it back to (X) who repeats the phrase, “I win. You lose.” The action is performed slowly, deliberately, and articulately (clear projected voice, not yelling), without “acting,” and is repeated for 60 minutes ad infinitum, ad nauseum.
More information coming including downloadable pdf, etc by Thursday, December 8th
For more information contact: (twitter) | @kikibraga (ows) |
If possible, please RSVP so that we can have an estimate of how many participants will attend; but if you can’t join us any way!

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