Join students from SVA for ”I Win. You Lose.” - Dec 13, 2011

“I Win. You Lose.” A Call to Action by students from the School of Visual Arts. Participants needed to occupy every corner on Wall Street and deliver a message…. !
We are….
….shocked by the unabashed corruption and self-interest that runs rampant throughout corporate America.
….faced with a life-time of debt in the pursuit of an education.
…the 99%.
Energized by the ideals and actions of Occupy Wall Street, we want to make our message heard and let the 1% know we will not be ignored nor can our path be bypassed.
Occupy every corner of Wall Street and New York’s Financial District at lunch time participate in the action: “ I Win. You Lose. ”
Join us on Tuesday December 13, 2011.
Orientation meeting at 12:00 noon at Louise Nevelson Plaza Triangle (at the junction of Liberty St., Maiden Lane and William St.).
Action begins at 12:30.
For more information contact Kirby at: (twitter) | @kikibraga (ows) |