OWS events at the Invisible Dog in Brooklyn - Jan 5 to Jan 11, 2012

I want to invite you to a very exciting action at the Invisible Dog
Art Space (51 Bergen St. in Brooklyn). It will be for 7 days, from
January 5th until January 11th. Here's the deal:
Steve Valk, a choreographer and activist from Occupy Frankfurt was
invited to organize a series of performances as part of the PS122 Coil
Festival. He thought it would be a great opportunity to "Occupy" a
performance space, and approached a few of us from Arts and Culture in
early December about a collaboration. Steve is excited about having a
dialogue with with OWS artists, writers, and activists of all kinds,
and a group of about six of us from OWS have collaborated with Steve
to prepare this event. So far, it's looking mighty good.
The action includes a piece choreographed by Steve and Michael Klien
(http://www.michaelklien.com/), called Choreography for Blackboards.
http://ps122.org/performances/choreography_for_blackboards.html .
Three OWS activists will be performing in it, along with professors,
artists, physicists, and even an investment banker. Although the other
events are free to the public (with suggested donation), the
Choreography for Blackboards performances cost something like $15-$20
per ticket, which have to be purchased on the PS122 website.
Following the performance, on three of the nights, are panel
discussions attempting to establish a new "ecology of the arts" (to
borrow Steve's term). They include professors, OWS activists, a
Pulitzer Prize winner and a bunch of others.
Before the performances, on Jan 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, and 11, there will be
a series of "Tea Time Talks," curated informal meetings with NYC
cultural theorists, practitioners, and OWS activists. Tea will be
included. On Saturday, January 7 from 11am to 2pm there is an event
called a "Social Dreaming Matrix," which is actually very cool and is
open to the public. More on that here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_dreaming.
Here is a link to a pdf with the schedule:
The connection to OWS is made even clearer here, in this reader that
will be available at the events: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/37450772/Blackboards%20Reader.pdf
Here is the link for Choreography for Blackboards:
I hope you can all participate in at least one of the upcoming events
at the Invisible Dog!
In solidarity,

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