OWS events at the Invisible Dog in Brooklyn - Jan 5 to Jan 11, 2012

I want to invite you to a very exciting action at the Invisible Dog
Art Space (51 Bergen St. in Brooklyn). It will be for 7 days, from
January 5th until January 11th. Here's the deal:
Steve Valk, a choreographer and activist from Occupy Frankfurt was
invited to organize a series of performances as part of the PS122 Coil
Festival. He thought it would be a great opportunity to "Occupy" a
performance space, and approached a few of us from Arts and Culture in
early December about a collaboration. Steve is excited about having a
dialogue with with OWS artists, writers, and activists of all kinds,
and a group of about six of us from OWS have collaborated with Steve
to prepare this event. So far, it's looking mighty good.